Low in calories, but more filling?



  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
  • tahirasahar
    tahirasahar Posts: 20 Member
    Any good protein will make you feel full and doesn't have to have too many calories if there is not much fat. Think chicken, fish and lean steak.

    yes!!! :)
  • tahirasahar
    tahirasahar Posts: 20 Member
    try 1/3 cup of plain or vanilla greek yogurt mixed with 1 tbsn of sugar free jelly - I love polaners blackberry! and mix in about 1/3 packet of spenda... SO GOOD! SO FILLING! AND only 63 calories!!!

    Yep Greek Yogurt rocks!!!
    I add a little protein powder to mine for extra protein
    Veggies are SOOO filling and SOOO low in calorie as well - Frozen steamers are great in my opinion...

    X2 on Chicken Breast as well

    I do a lot of:
    Package Tuna
    Tuna steak
    (even some steak if I'm in the mood)

    But I also support what was said on calories... If you focus on adding a workout to your day you'll burn WAY more calories and you can still eat enough to keep you out of starvation mode!!! Remember:
    Good Carbs for Energy
    Good Protein for sustained energy and muscle repair (after workouts)
    Good Fats for proper liver function (which in turn is what burns stored fat as calories)

    Awesome man !!! So true !!

    Without ALL three - you'll find yourself NOT losing