Need some motivation!

I am really discouraged I just took pictures again of me after 7wks and I see no difference. (if I could figure it out I would post them)

I have lost 6lbs in the last 7wks. I am not going for fast results but its nice to see something. I need to step it up at the gym. I gotta lose this tummy! Great thing that has happened in 7wks is I am down almost 2 pant sizes. Just got into size 9's!

I started this April 1st and as of last Monday I have lost 17lbs so I should feel happy with what I have done so far. I am just going through some rough spots right now. I haven't really logged my food but I write it down so at least I know what I am eating. I feel overwhelmed with starting a new job and not planning my food out for the next day. I don't know how working moms do this and stay on track.

Thanks for letting me vent!


  • SimplySonja
    I am sure it is tough - but remember fitness is a journey. I often can't see the changes in my body, but my husband will notice. Your daily progress will get you to your goals. It just takes time. I am a fitness coach and motivator - look for me on Facebook, Simply Active Sonja

    My postings are meant to encourage and motivate, not judge. I often form challenge groups so we keep each other accountable.

    Hope to hear from you.

  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    K it will only let me like your page
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Ok, here's what you do. Start logging your food again. Prep, prep, prep. Take the time to prep your food for work, everyday. Stick to your plan. There isn't going to be any magic day when this will be over, this is a lifetime commitment TO YOURSELF! You can do this. Remember, the thinner you are the less calories you burn as you lose weight, sad but true. So, add ten minutes, or go up a level on whatever activity it is you do, and don't stop doing it.

    Keep going! You've come so far! I know you can do this!