Hello from Japan

Greetings all!

My husband and I are currently working in Japan as English teachers. We have been here for one year. After one year of marriage and living in a completely new country, I am finally trying to get back into a good exercise routine. I need to lose a little bit of weight because they do not carry my size in this country. Besides that, buying entirely new wardrobes because of gaining weight is depressing and expensive.

I am loving this site so far. Anybody else from Japan out there?

Keep up the good work all!


  • M12e31g
    M12e31g Posts: 38
    Hello! I'm in Okinawa, which semi-counts as Japan. I understand about the clothing issues here. And buying clothes online in your old size to think they fit and they don't, well that's just depressing (and happened way too many times to me)! Glad to see someone else on this side of the world. Good luck with your goals!
  • LadyKP
    LadyKP Posts: 31
    Hi There!
    I used to work as an English teacher in South Korea, so I totally know what you are going through. Living in a tiny society and seen as the 'big westerner' is totally frustrating, and they love to watch your habits and make comments about them whether you like it or not. I've lost about 50 pounds since I lived in Korea, so I hope I can help you :)
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Welcome! Where at in Japan are you? I've never been, but my brother is actually leaving for Japan on Tuesday for a two month job. He has said a million times where he is going, but I of course cannot remember. All I know is it is near or on a US military base because his job is counseling military and their family. South of Tokyo maybe?

    I totally feel you on buying a new wardrobe. I had lost 50 pounds and gave away most of my "fat clothes" and now that I have gained back all but 5 pounds, I'm really limited on clothes. I don't want to buy more because I don't want to stay at this weight, and also because new clothes look like crap on me at this weight. I feel like I literally wear the same 5 shirts each week to work.
  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Kaitochan,

    I'm sorry I didn't notice this sooner. I'm also in Japan. Feel free to add me if you like!