Might miss my long run tomorrow how/should I adjust my train

I'm training for my second half marathon and this week is a cut back week on my long run - 9 miles. The problem is my son had the stomach flu this week and I'm worried I may be coming down with it, body aches chills and what not. Tomorrow is my long run and if I get sick overnight, that's when stomach flus always seem to hit me, I wont be able to get my 9 miler in. So my question is next week is peak week 15 mile long run (my longest ever) and 33 miles for the week (my most ever) should I scale it back if I miss my long run tomorrow or can I feel confident that my base is strong enough and 15 miles isn't pushing it too much? Last week I ran a 14 mile long run and 29 miles for the week.

I'm aware that 14 and 15 miles is in excess of what I need to be doing for a half but I am training for endurance and contemplating a full marathon in the future so I'm testing my abilities.



  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    Can't be much help about the running, but quite an accomplishment on your journey. You should be very proud.
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    ^Thanks so much!
  • bryony_pie
    bryony_pie Posts: 40
    I'm sorry you feel like you're coming down with something! That is really hard during training, I remember I had the flu right before my half marathon in June - it was no fun! =(
    I think you should be fine if you miss tomorrow's long run, especially since you did an AWESOME 14-miler last week. Your body will definitely be able to handle 15 for next weekend's long run. Your best bet is always to rest if you feel sick. The last thing you want to do is run yourself into the ground!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Well, what I've done when something like that has happens is I just usually modify the next week. If I miss the 9 miles, I'll get a longer run in on my next one (like instead of 6 miles, I'll do 7 or 8), then do a shorter one, like 4 or 5, then a longer one, maybe around 11 or 12, but not the full amount, like 15.

    Then the next week, I'll just add miles onto the long run, and take one or two off the shorter ones, to even it out so my mileage overall isn't over or too far under where I want. So I would run a 5 mile, a 4 mile, maybe another 4, depending on how I was feeling, and then a longer one, still slightly under that goal of 15, maybe a 13 or so.

    I don't know if that makes sense, but I just try and taper back up to a higher mileage long run over the next week or two, and then take a shorter week for a break after that. Not necessarily recommended by training programs (I don't always follow those to the letter, since things always get in the way), but it has worked for me to keep my fitness up.