Unsuccess story :(

edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been on MFP since the beginning of June, and I am on a 1300 cal/day diet, as well as working out in the gym for 90 mins 3x a week. However i feel like i am not loosing as much as i should be, and i am starting to think all of this is a waste of time! :( i'm so frustrated.


  • laurad8911
    laurad8911 Posts: 99
    are you eating your exercise calories?
  • Clevrow
    Clevrow Posts: 4 Member
    Exercising and trying to get healthy is NEVER a waste of time. Going to the gym and getting your sweat on is a great thing for you! :) I admire that you go to the gym... I'm so shy I work out at home. But the weight will come off. Don't fret. Give it time. Meanwhile, just start to enjoy the after exercise rush! Before you know if you'll start getting compliments about how much weight you've lost and you won't even have realized it! :) Keep up the GOOD work!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    just keep going at it! mix up the workouts a bit and make sure you are drinking your water! no matter how long it takes, it's better than doing nothing at all
  • laurad8911
    laurad8911 Posts: 99
    also 13 lbs in less than two months.....im having trouble understanding why youre upset.
  • Yup :/ at least 75% of them anyway
  • I guess that's part of my problem, because the scale is saying i am loosing, but clothes and the way i look say otherwise
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    13 lbs is GREAT for the short amount of time you've been working out!!! Keep at it :)
  • also 13 lbs in less than two months.....im having trouble understanding why youre upset.
  • I am so sorry you guys, i am still getting used to the message boards. Part of my problem is the scale is showing weight loss, but my clothes and the way i look/feel is proving otherwise.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I didn't notice much change in the first 15#. But the NEXT 15# made all the difference in the world!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    The best way is not to pay attention to the scale..but to take measurements. I think as people who are trying to lose weight, we can be hypercritical of ourselves.

    Hang in there..give it a while..and as everyone else has said..going to the gym is definitely helping.
  • I jut want to make sure I understand how many calories I am supposed to eat in a day....can anyone help explain my numbers? I will post them in a sec......
  • Goal Calories 2350
    6 workouts a week at 30 mins each
    Target 2 lbs per week
    Calorie Deficit 1000
    Can I really lose weight eating this many calories?
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I honestly didn't see a difference until 25+lb.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I started June 1 and I have lost 12.
  • MissBellatrix116
    MissBellatrix116 Posts: 50 Member
    I've lost 10 in the last month. I don't notice any difference, but my boyfried has ((He didnt know I was dieting/workingout/anything, so he wasnt obligated to say anything)). My clothes still felt that same, but when I took my measurements the other day, I was shocked.

    P.S. Everyone will lose different, because everyone is different. I wouoldnt be too worried. 13lbs in 2 months is awesome. :-)
  • Thank you so much for all of the support, i guess i am just being too hard on myself. :)
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Can I really lose weight eating this many calories?

    Surprisely YES! I found the weeks I eat all my calories, exercise calories etc are the weeks I lose the most. The weeks I under eat are the weeks the scales don't budge.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    But you are losing right? If you're losing then that's great. The longer you continue, the more you will lose. Keep at it and you'll get there!

    You can create a better chemical balance in your body for weight loss by limiting carbs, sugars and having more fats (all within your daily calorie allowance). It works for me each time.
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    I am so sorry you guys, i am still getting used to the message boards. Part of my problem is the scale is showing weight loss, but my clothes and the way i look/feel is proving otherwise.

    Ps. This ^^ Is quite normal! You lose the weight but don't believe it! I've stuggled with my weight all mylife. I recently went from a size 12 to a size 4. I still pick up size 12 when I go shopping thinking that the size 8 looks way to small for me. I still pick up the large when I need to get the small. My friends think I'm blind. I just think that it takes a whle for your head to catch up with your body. You're doing really well! Keep it up!
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