I'm a newbie

Just started myfitnesspal yesterday and so far so good! I'm 64 yrs old, a diabetic and have something called Charcot Foot that prevents me from exercising. Thus, losing weight is very difficult for me. I joined WW five weeks ago but have only lost 1 pound and that's while precisely following the program. Went to my doctor and he said I'm better off counting calories. This site has everything I need and is very user friendly (I tried several others but they were not easy to use). I have 80 lbs to lose and it's easy to get discouraged when I think about the big picture. So I'm setting 5 lb mini goals for myself. How often do you recommend weighing. I tend to be a little OCD with the scales so I probably shouldn't weight too often. It's good to know there are others sharing this experience with me. Thanks for being there!:smile:
