Are you 160lbs?

I'm 5'6" and my ultimate weight loss goal as of now and the last few months has been 160lbs. Now I'm wondering if 160lbs will look unhealthy still. Obviously my body will look much more different than most peoples but I'd like to get a general idea of what 160lbs looks like. If you weigh this much or weigh close to this much, could you pretty please post a photo? (Height included.)

Thank you all so, so, so much.


  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Here is a pic for you :) I am 5'6 and 160 lbs. My goal weight is 150-155 as of yet:bigsmile:
  • rosadona
    rosadona Posts: 36 Member
    check this place out. it's a good way to do exactly what you're looking for. you can pick the height, clothing size, weight and body type and it'll show pictures people have submitted.
  • helloclaire
    helloclaire Posts: 191
    I'm 5'6" and around the mid 160s (like 164-166lb) now. Our BMI is normal when we are 154 at most, so no, you will not look unhealthy at 160lbs. I only have few more pounds to go for 160lb and if you looked at me you'd still say I am overweight!

    My picture is actually that of a virtual model on You can enter the height and weight and it shows you (roughly) what it looks like! :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Something to keep in mind - different people carry their weight differently. So, you can have 3 people all the same height and the same weight -- and they will all look different. It just depends on where your body holds onto the weight. :)

    I say once you get to 160lbs see how you feel and how you look. You might be happy and content or you may think to yourself "Eh. I need to drop a few more pounds". When I hit my goal of 150lbs, I was pleased that I got to that point AND I maintained it for quite awhile but I wasn't happy with how I looked, so I took the time to figure out how to drop another 5lbs or so. I really like 145lbs on me more than 150lbs which seems silly since it is only 5lbs, but for my body at this point - 5lbs DOES make a difference.
  • dayglo4
    dayglo4 Posts: 18
    check this place out. it's a good way to do exactly what you're looking for. you can pick the height, clothing size, weight and body type and it'll show pictures people have submitted.

    That site is kinda fun, mostly because it shows how different a weight can look on different people of the same height. Just keep your goal at 160lbs and make a new one when you get there if you want:)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Hi there! All of the pictures in my profile are 160 ish I believe (and I am 5'5")... I just recently dropped down to 155 and I don't have any pictures yet. However, it IS all about how you carry your weight, and more importantly, how you feel at that weight!
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I am 5'8 158lbs and the pictures on my profile of me are at about 170. I should have some new ones up soon :)
  • SamanthaMT
    I know this is old... but I'm around 163 at 5'6"

    As you can see I carry most of my weight in my top half.

    Hope this helps.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    How about having a goal BF% rather than goal weight....arbitrary scale weight is going to look completely different on different can have a completely different body composition. Just as an example...I'm 5'10" with around 19% BF and weigh about 180 Lbs...not too shabby, but my best buddy is the same stats and around 15% BF....he looks like he's ready to kill it on the beach. My other buddy is same stats and a body builder at around 9% BF...he looks competition ready.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    How about having a goal BF% rather than goal weight....arbitrary scale weight is going to look completely different on different can have a completely different body composition. Just as an example...I'm 5'10" with around 19% BF and weigh about 180 Lbs...not too shabby, but my best buddy is the same stats and around 15% BF....he looks like he's ready to kill it on the beach. My other buddy is same stats and a body builder at around 9% BF...he looks competition ready.

    ^^ This exactly. You can weigh 160 and be lean and at a healthy BF% OR you can weigh 160 with the same BF% that you had at 175. You do NOT want that. BTW, I'm 5'8 and weigh 160.
  • meltedkeys
    meltedkeys Posts: 63 Member
    i agree. focus on body fat. i would look absolutely ridiculous at 130 like i was in high school because i gained muscle and height and my chest grew. 160 for me would put me at 18% body fat which is perfect for me. it just depends.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I'm definitely not 160 pounds, but I was close to it in my BEFORE pictures. When I started here on MFP, I weighed mid-150's and was wearing sizes 12-16 depending on the brand and style. (I'm 5'5" for reference). I am currently 135 pounds and wearing sizes 4 and 6. I am still cutting fat because I am not where I want to be. I don't have a goal "weight" but rather a goal body fat percentage. I am around 22% with a goal of 16%. I think I might weigh 125 or so when I get there, not sure though.

    Other people look trimmer and leaner than I do at that weight. Sarauk2sf is about that weight or slightly under it, but our bodies appear similar and our measurements are only slightly different (she's got a slightly larger booty according to what she's posted and I think a smaller waist). Just goes to show why weight is not necessarily the best measurement to go by. I look fat at 160 pounds, she looks awesome. I bet she'd look too skinny at my weight, too. We're about the same height.
  • SamanthaMT
    Oh man. I HATE those virtual models. If you have boobs they are super inaccurate.
  • SteveStedge
    I'm 5'6" and my ultimate weight loss goal as of now and the last few months has been 160lbs. Now I'm wondering if 160lbs will look unhealthy still. Obviously my body will look much more different than most peoples but I'd like to get a general idea of what 160lbs looks like. If you weigh this much or weigh close to this much, could you pretty please post a photo? (Height included.)

    Thank you all so, so, so much.

    How do you mean unhealthy? Like too skinny or too fat? A average girl at 5'6" and 160 will be a little curvy but look very healthy to men. That said, you may be able to get down to 140, 130 depending on your frame. You might be able to rock a bikini at 160 but maybe not. My wife looks very sexy to me at 160 and she's 5-7.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Im a little taller than you, and weigh 161. My ultimate goal is about 158.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Not yet, 174.4 but I hope to reach 160 this summer :)
  • AiabliamsMommy
    AiabliamsMommy Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5'6 " and 160, I don't have full body pics unfortunately. I have a 36DD bra size, so a lot of my weight is on top. I'm not as fit as I'd like to be, but I don't look "unhealthy" at all. People tell me I look like I weigh less than I do. It depends on your body type and where you carry your weight.