OPINIONS PLEASE, baby fever!



  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    Gonna add my opinion... I too have had baby fever for awhile... and I'm a lot bit older then you and been with my husband a while longer... Pets are definitely a help when it comes to easing the nurturing want. Also, you're still in school and if the nursing program is as time consuming and demanding as I have heard (I dont know from personal experience as I'm an engineer student) then you don't want to be dealing with morning sickness, dr. appts, tiredness or complications while trying to graduate. That would increase your stress immensely and could cause relationship issues from the stress.

    And you're still young. Give yourself some time to adjust to be graduated and having a good job and a new marriage before you jump into having kids. Now, that doesn't mean you can't practice and if it happens it happens, but why add the burden of 'trying' to all of that. If after a year or so you haven't gotten pregnant then see your doctor and see what you can do about increasing your chances. But in my opinion jumping into it like that may do more harm then good.

    Good luck with your upcoming marriage and your school.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Oh my, I'm sorry, but age 20? Wow. That's far too young, in my opinion. (And this post title asks for opinions, right?)

    I agree about a pet. Or maybe find a friend with a child and babysit for a day or even overnight. The more age varieties you try out, the better. Babies are cute and cuddly, but think about this...are you ready for a teenager? Frankly, until you're ready for that, you're not ready for a baby. Because they don't stay small and cuddly for very long.

    And would you want your own child having a child of her own at age 20? Or would you want her to experience life and grow some more first, learn more about who she is? I didn't know jack at age 20.
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    I've always been a fan of the idea of being married for a couple years before trying to start a family. I would especially because you're still real young and have plenty of time. You should get a puppy or 2. They will help to postpone you for a little bit. You should definitely be on your own for a while as well. Get used to supporting yourself/each other before taking on another person. Also, use the next couple of years to go on couple vacations and do things together that you otherwise won't be able to do. I know you've been with your beau for a long time, but this will make your foundation even stronger.
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    It's your life, but I personally won't have a child until I have at least 5k in emergency savings, own a house (paying mortgage ok), and no CC debt (student loan debt ok).
    My parents weren't young when they had my sisters and I, but they still struggled with money. I think a plan is important and the means to meet your goals. If you have that, then you have no problem.

    If you are financially stable enough to have a child, perhaps you would consider adoption? There are children and infants all over the world in need of a caring family. Just look at all your options and make sure your decision is weighed carefully with logic and not emotion.

    Nice idea but by todays standards we would all be screwed and never have kids

    For those of you that are too busy trying to push your lives onto other people instead of reading........SHE ALREADY HAS A PUPPY! It does not seem to be helping her baby fever any. But then again, maybe yall actually did read that and think she should get ANOTHER puppy!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I got married at 19 and we didn't have our first until we were 25. I'm so glad that we waited. I seriously have ALWAYS had baby fever but I'm very thankful that we waited! Especially because our son was diagnosed with autism a couple years later.

    Good luck to you!
  • paigelc
    paigelc Posts: 3
    Thank you everyone for your opinions:) but it doesn't seem to make my decision any easier....and thank you charger440 for taking notice that I said I already have a 7month old puppy and that isn't/hasn't helped me with my baby fever. Seriously, I have a very strong desire/yearning to have a child of our own. But I do greatly appreciate everyone's input on this. If anyone else would like to add anything that's fine too, I like reading what everyone has to say and do think about these things.
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Sorry I wasn't of more help but it really and truly is up to you. You know having babies is hard, you have a plan for your life and you have a desire to have a child of your own. You know in your "gut" what the right answer for you is. Good luck to you and I wish you all the happiness in the world.
  • plv2010
    plv2010 Posts: 48 Member
    I can tell you about my own situation. As I had said, my bf and I decided to have a baby when I was 21, and he was 26 at the time. The main reason, I wanted to be a SAHM, but I always wanted a career of my own. It's going to take me a while to get my masters, and I didn't want to go to school, graduate, work, and then quit to be a SAHM for the next couple of years. In the past 15 months, my bf and I have been out twice without our baby. And both times were because we went out to fundraisers at night clubs. We hardly talk to our friends, let alone see them, and most of our nights are spent at home. I knew that life was going to change drastically when I had my son, but it was something I was ready for. Not everyones situation is the same, but if your ready for it, and really feel like this is more than just "baby fever", I'd say go for it. Good luck with your decision.