Hello everyone

My name's Judy and I'm the proud grandmother of 5 beautiful girls, the youngest of whom is 2 years old. I would like to lose 20+ pounds and stick around to see the baby get older. I'm looking forward to losing weight and while I may not be the best at motivating y'all (don't really know how to use the computer) I would love some help from everyone else. Remember. even though i may not say it I wish all of you the very best and I am always looking for new friends.

Also, I'm aqccio_skinnyjeans's grandmother...I think she's awesome :)


  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Welcome! You've got a good motive to get/stay healthy. Feel free to add me if you need a friend.
  • HankFit247
    HankFit247 Posts: 139


    We're all here to provide assistance and support. Just let me know how I can be of personal assistance.
