HCG - What I don't understand



  • lindarosedee
    lindarosedee Posts: 3 Member
    I have read up on this diet. Basically you will lose weight with only 500 calories a day and the HCG does not have anything to do with the weight lose. It is not a healthy diet and should not be done. I did fertility with the HCG drug, and I now have triplets. So I don't think I would do that diet. Good luck. The best way to lose weight is just the good old fashion hard work of exercise and decreased calories.
  • RangerSteve
    RangerSteve Posts: 437
    You still have no right to bash and degrade people for their personal choices. Do you just go from thread to thread looking for people to hurt and put down???

    By the way, if anyone has ever drank a red bull it is made with bull urine....yuk!

    I'm not bashing and degrading people. Quit using emotional words to try and prove a point. I'm bashing CHOICES that people make. There is a huge difference. Also, what are you talking about with me going from thread to thread to put people down? Who am I putting down? And finally, I will continue to tell people that they're making terrible choices when they are destroying their body in the name of "quick" or "fast" weight loss.

    If you don't agree with it, take it up with the American College of Sports Medicine and their recommendations for effective and safe weight loss. I doubt you'll do that.
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