I'm Back and Need Support!

So, I thought that I could stay on my healthy lifestyle without MFP, without logging in my food/workouts and reading all the supportive info that people post here, but I was WRONG! I have been gone for a few months and even though I have kept up with my workouts and ran my 1st 5k (31.00 minutes, not too bad), I gained more than 5lbs (depending on the day)! I will NOT continue to go down that road and gain back another lb (I had lost 30lbs)!! So, I am back here today and logging in, because I NEED MFP to keep me healthy and to lose the last 10 (now 15) lbs I want to lose...I won't lie, I find logging in time consuming because I am forgetful and don't have a smartphone to log in during the day, but I did it before and I can do it again! For others who have let good habits slide a bit and lost their way a bit, how did you get back on track?

For me, the summer is so tough with the parties, cookouts and ICECREAM! When you go to a cookout and eat, how do you keep track of what you are eating, in order to log it? How do you have just one cocktail or glass of wine when drinks are being poured freely (I know, just say "no", but hard sometimes)? Unless I am home, where I can measure that 1/2 c of icecream, how do you know what the size of a kiddie cone is? I mean, they are different depending on the shop (I don't get cones outside of the home very often, but occasionally)..

So, I welcome any words of wisdom or support! I am going to be 50 in a few months and determined to get back on track! A good kick in the butt would help me, too! Thanks!!


  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    Its very hard to do. But I do try and log everything, and I mean everything. that is the only way to truly keep up with your diet. I have the same trouble with all the cookouts, parties, etc. If you need support I am here for ya! Good luck!
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    For me, the summer is so tough with the parties, cookouts and ICECREAM! When you go to a cookout and eat, how do you keep track of what you are eating, in order to log it? How do you have just one cocktail or glass of wine when drinks are being poured freely (I know, just say "no", but hard sometimes)? Unless I am home, where I can measure that 1/2 c of icecream, how do you know what the size of a kiddie cone is? I mean, they are different depending on the shop (I don't get cones outside of the home very often, but occasionally)..

    What?? You're not bringing your food scale with you when you go to a cookout?? Of all things...!

    (just kidding of course)

    I'd like to hope the shop where you get the ice cream would list their nutritional information somewhere, either in printed or online form. If not, well you can always "guess" based on the database in this site. Example (and no hate mail please): Checkers recently came out with new frozen treats, but I have yet to see nutritional information on this site for it. So in the rare instance that I get a swirl cone, I use an example of what was already added to the database on this site.
  • When you're out and about, ask the person at the counter for the nutrition facts. If you go to local chains, the nutrition facts are usually posted on the website. I have also found a lot of foods are already stored in the MFP database... even Italian Gelato from Costco! I agree with ebramlett, you have to enter everything you eat. You cannot trust yourself. It's sad, but so true. And if you have a bad day, the important thing is to not freak out about it. Just do better over the next two days, cut an extra 100 calories here and there, take an extra walk, etc., and get yourself back on track as fast as you can.

    Good luck!
  • DelainaB
    DelainaB Posts: 28
    I'm just getting back on the MFP wagon as well. This is really my first foray into the community. Up until now I've been taking the me me me approach. Hoping the us us us approach will be better. :) Add me if you want. I think the support of a group will go a long way. Here's to a second chance and a new start.
  • AEB_WV
    AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
    Welcome back! Add me if you want. I noticed that we are the same age and my goal is to be 'fit by fifty'. MFP has been really helpful. I'm not super good about logging food and excercise but I do check in daily and read posts. The success stories here really help keep me motivated!