Do you tell people what you are good at?



  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I am definitely reserved.

    I dont think that those who say they are good at something are better than those who dont. Just means those two people have different personalities and were raised different. So much that one says "hey i can paint" and the other person just does it without saying it.

    I definitely hate job interviews. They ask what you are good at and i feel likes its bragging to say "well i am very good at blah blah blah."
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    No - I generally don't. Except in job interviews, where I have no problem telling them the things I am great at.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I'm usually quiet about that sort of thing, but it depends on the situation.
    Ex: If there is something I'm good at and I know that someone is struggling with it or had a partner bail on them during a project... (and if I have time) then I will offer help and let them know about my experience with whatever it is. Not to be a big bragger though, just to lend a hand.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    oops! double post....

    I'm usually really good and not having that sort of problem! ROFL :laugh:
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    yeah i don't really state what i'm good at. i'll tell someone my HOBBIES, but as far my abilities on said hobbies, i like to let others tell me how capable i am. and as a poster said above me, i'd probably just make a joke to diffuse the compliment because i tend to get bashful with things like that, i feel awkward with that sort of attention hahaha
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm reserved! I never talk about myself.. Guess that's not a good thing either... LOL
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    If I have to tell them I'm good at something, they're not someone I know very well which means I'm unlikely place any value on what their opinion of me is, so why would I tell them?
    If I know someone and therefore value their opinion, my actions should demonstrate that I'm good at something when it's needed.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I generally prefer to show, not tell.

    If I am online discussing a hobby, it might be more necessary to tell a person what I like to do and what my level is.
    I do enjoy sharing my accomplishments, even though they may seem trivial to some. I feel proud when I achieve a goal.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I can understand people being good at a hobby, or a specific physical skill. I know I am a good singer, but I also know that that is because I have spent 30 years practicing at it.

    I wouldn't have a clue what I was good at in a work/academic capacity. When I worked, I just worked, and I did the stuff I was asked to do, but I wouldn't have any idea if that counted as being good at it. I very much assume anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it, which makes the concept of being good at something a bit bizarre to me. You can do something or you can't, and usually the only reason you can't is because you haven't tried, surely?