5lbs Gone-1st week

StephEx Posts: 69 Member
So Im pretty excited to say that I have lost 5lbs in my first week of my lifestyle change and joining MFP.
I have been cutting my portions. I also have been eating healthier and I have been drinking tons of water.
I also have been walking 30+ minutes a day, doing 20+ sit ups a day and house chores as well as
mowing our lawn (with a push mower) :D
2 days ago I did crunches for 20 minutes, and man does my stomach feel it lol.
Well off to work! :)


  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    good job with the walking, so many people forget how easy it is to get some exercise, well done you

  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Congrats! I had that happen too! Of course it slows down to the average 1-2lbs a week as you go but it's so worth it!!!
  • StephEx
    StephEx Posts: 69 Member
    Thank You ! :)
  • binsylad
    binsylad Posts: 99
    Well done.....Water and Walk is a simple but effective change!!

    Keep up the good work
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Feels good don't it :happy:
  • kraszco1
    kraszco1 Posts: 13 Member
    That's awesome Stephanie! Great job making a change! Keep it up, you will love the body you reveal!
  • jesstroxel
    jesstroxel Posts: 120
    Great job!!!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Way to go!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Great job!!! :)
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