c25K started 7/14



  • catherinejbr
    Yay! Did Week 5, Day 1 this evening and I SURVIVED! I am super slow, but I just keep going... and I made it. One foot in front of the other... I got some custom orthotics today, so I am looking forward to trying them out (I have to wear them for a bit to get used to them before attempting running in them, according to the doctor). I am hoping to keep this up as I think I am even starting to enjoy it, a little bit. Already I am starting to worry about what to do over the winter (treadmill, I guess). Anyone here run in colder weather? I don't mean the -40C (I live in Ottawa, Canada), and I would not attempt running through snow and ice, but when it gets colder do we have to start dressing in layers? I know it's a long way off, and hopefully I'll still be running by then.
  • rogerm213
    rogerm213 Posts: 77 Member

    Layers are the way to go in winter. I am in Maine and we run outside all winter long. I hate the dreadmill and it really is much easier than running outside. Dress as if it were 20 degrees warmer than it is when you head out. On snow and ice you can use yak trax on your shoes or use sheet metal screws to give you traction. I will find and post the Runners World article as winter approaches about how to make screw shoes for winter running.
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Catherine, great question about the winter ... I really can't see myself on a treadmill. I finished week 5 day 1 and tried to do day 2 today but accidentally hit pause in the middle. The good news is that I was running a lot longer than I should have. I'm going to repeat day 2 on Wednesday correctly.
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    Hope everyone is still trekking along. I just finished D3W5 -- actually I just OWNED D3W5! I don't know when the last time I ran for 20 minutes straight but I was damn proud today. I'm sure the cars driving by thought I was crazy when I jumped in the air as the lady in my ear said "cool down" -- they might be right! :)

    Happy trails everyone!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm on my 2nd week of Week 4. I strongly advise against looking ahead as it can be intimidating. A friend pointed out week 5 to me, sometimes ignorance is bliss!! :wink:

    Alicia Keep up the good work. Repeating a week is fine and even altering week 5 a bit is ok. This is a guideline only and the C25K is not one size fits all. If I can help in any way feel free to message me.

    Thank you....I'm still working at week 4. Can't seem to do the 5 minute jog. My legs feel tired and tight. Could it be I need to stretch more?
  • rogerm213
    rogerm213 Posts: 77 Member

    Thank you....I'm still working at week 4. Can't seem to do the 5 minute jog. My legs feel tired and tight. Could it be I need to stretch more?


    A struggle with a 5 minute run in week 4 is very common. Remember the C25K is not written for a person who is also on a weight loss journey. It was written for the average person who wants to begin running. I would suggest tossing week 4 aside and trying to do a 3 minute run followed by a minute walk and repeat this 7 to 8 times. Do not worry about how fast you run and keep the walk slow as it is meant for recovery. Keep the run slow enough so that you could talk to someone if you had someone running with you. Repeat this for two weeks and try bumping the runs to 4 minutes and keep the walks at 1 minute. If all goes as planned this should land you running 5 and walking 1 in 5 weeks.

    If you feel the need to walk a bit more than the one minute do it!!! This is about slowly increasing time spent running while enjoying running. You want to look forward to the workouts and not dread putting on the running shoes.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Thank you! I was thinking about going back to week 3, even nothing more but to build my confidence back. I've been doing week 4 ofr 3 weeks, but I'm ok with that. It's also been in the 100's for 3 weeks now, there doesn't seem to be a "cool" time of the day anymore. But I will take your advice, thank you!!!
  • catherinejbr
    I finished week 6 on Saturday. Yes, I ran for 25 minutes straight. I am not very fast, but I was pretty proud of myself out there. I have new custom orthotics that have helped tremendously. No more foot pain. I tried jogging this spring but it never worked out for me. Granted, I was 30 pounds heavier at the time. If I tried to run for 2 minutes on the treadmill, I couldn't make it. Now I am running, outside, for 25 minutes and it feels great. Sure, at the time it is hard, but I am on such a high afterwards!
  • rogerm213
    rogerm213 Posts: 77 Member
    I finished week 6 on Saturday. Yes, I ran for 25 minutes straight. I am not very fast, but I was pretty proud of myself out there. I have new custom orthotics that have helped tremendously. No more foot pain. I tried jogging this spring but it never worked out for me. Granted, I was 30 pounds heavier at the time. If I tried to run for 2 minutes on the treadmill, I couldn't make it. Now I am running, outside, for 25 minutes and it feels great. Sure, at the time it is hard, but I am on such a high afterwards!

    That is great Catherine. Studies show when it comes to jogging or running the 30 pound loss is like taking 120 pounds off your knees and ankles when running. This alone can make running a more pleasant experience. Keep up the good work you are doing fantastic.
  • catherinejbr
    That is great Catherine. Studies show when it comes to jogging or running the 30 pound loss is like taking 120 pounds off your knees and ankles when running. This alone can make running a more pleasant experience. Keep up the good work you are doing fantastic.

    Wow, that's really interesting. No wonder it is getting easier (maybe less hard would be more accurate!) on my body.

    Thank you so much for your kind words of support. It has been quite a journey so far (not just the running, but everything else) and I hope I can make this a lifelong change. I will be doing w7d2 tonight, no excuses, because I ate a doughnut at the office earlier.... sigh... it didn't even taste that good...
  • catherinejbr
    I finished Week 9, Day 2 yesterday. Only one more day to go --- I am not doing 5k yet in the 30 minute run, but hopefully I will be able to finish my 5k on Sept. 18.