Is this bad?

So, I under-ate a few days this week. I ate around 900-1000 calories, when my goal is 1270. Every time I go under 1200, MFP tells me that it worries about starvation mode.

However, yesterday, I ate 2300 calories. I know, that sounds like a binge.

Anyway, is that messing up my metabolism? Or is it ok to have more on some days, and less on others?

I pretty much eat when I'm hungry, and don't eat when I'm not hungry. If I eat when I'm not hungry, it makes me want to throw up (although I haven't actually done so.) When I don't eat when I am hungry, I just get a little angry, but no real scary side effects at this point.


  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    It probably is. If you're eating so little everyday, your body adjust to that. Then if you binge your body isn't used to burning all those calories efficiently
  • teeby21
    teeby21 Posts: 15
    under eating isn't good i do it myself on MFP a lot. But having one 2000 cal day among lots of 1270 cal days will be good to make sure your body doesn't get used to the same amount of food everyday. This will lead straight to a Plateau!
  • allready_gone
    In my opinion, as a diabetic you should be eating 4-5 times a day to keep your blood sugar levels consistant. I don't know if you do that if you can stay at 900-1000 calories. Also, as I understand it, 1200 calories is the minimum your body needs to function. If you are doing any kind of exercise you should definitely be eating more. You body will go into a mode where it "hoards" or stores food if you are not eating enough and this will prevent you from losing any weight. When I quit smoking I gained about 20 lbs. To lose it, I cut myself to 3 very strict meals per day. I became very active but no matter what I did I could not lose a pound. I have never really been a "snacker" but after doing some research I started forcing myself to eat a mid morning and mid afternoon snack every day whether hungry or not and lo and behold if the weight did not start peeling off, finally. I don't know what kind of activity you are doing but I think you should be at least hitting that 1200 if not more. Eating too little will also lead to binges like the one you describe. Just my two cents. Good Luck!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    If it makes any difference, I did workout pretty hard on the day I overate, but I didn't exactly burn enough to make up for it.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    under eating isn't good i do it myself on MFP a lot. But having one 2000 cal day among lots of 1270 cal days will be good to make sure your body doesn't get used to the same amount of food everyday. This will lead straight to a Plateau!

    Light bulb moment! I've experienced just that; eating close to the same amount of food each day. I am notorious for eating the same lunch & dinner for a week or two. And it seems as though I'm struggling every day to lose.

    Thanks for sharing.