gained quickly, lose slowly

I was out of town for three days, ate regularly and walked a lot, and yet I gained four pounds, It'll take me two weeks to lose those four pounds. Why does it go on so quickly and come off so slowly?


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    This is my biggest frustration. And why I can't stand for people to say, "you didn't gain it overnight; don't expect to lose it overnight." I don't, OK! But it sure would be nice if I could at least lose it at HALF the rate I gained it at. *sigh*
  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    When I travel, the gain is usually just water weight. I puff up from riding in a car too long or flying in a plane. Also, if I eat at restaurants the whole time, I end up taking in too much sodium. I'm sure what you gained was at least partially water weight and it should come off fairly quickly.
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    I went to Ireland last summer for a week and came back 15 pounds heavier. I find that we tend to eat delicious salty things while in vacation and don't drink what like we should. Drink lots of lemon water with some benefiber mixed in and your system will start to get back to normal.
  • *****HUGS*****

    When you work that one out let me know!

    I must admit when i've had biggish gains i find if i completely commit on my return, no cheats whatsoever, i can usually reverse the gain quite quickly. I hope it doesn't take too long to come off for you, keep us posted! xxx