C25k on the treadmill

Just started c25k on the treadmill and im curious as to the appropriate speeds for walking and jogging? If there is no set speed then what speed are YOU walking and jogging on the treadmill? Thanks guys!


  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    bump. Gonna start it and would be good to know. Thanks for asking!
  • I'd like to know this too.

    I usually do a 15 minute warm up at 2.5 km/hour and then move it up to 4.5/5.0 for about 45 - 60 mins then have another 15 minutes at 2.5 km/hour for the wind down. I'm definitely not a *super* fast walker, but this usually gets a good sweat going for me.

    If the numbers on the treadmill are anything to go by, it's about 2.5 - 3 miles or so depending on the combination of the above.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I tried it on a treadmill and set it the slowest 'running' speed I could, simply because I can't run..to the point I chickened out after week 3 :-( Im sure you will get much better advice from folks who have what it takes to complete this, but do a speed you can manage...
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    I wondered this too, I just started week 2 and I've been walking @ 6.5 kph and running at 11 kph..Dunno if it's right, but I certainly know I've had a workout!
  • It doesn't matter. Pick something (say 4.5 jogging and 3 walking) and if it seems to hard, slow down. If you realize at the end of the workout it wasn't a workout, speed it up next time.
  • I did most of my c25k workouts on the treadmill. I did 4.0mph for walks and 5.0-6.0mph (depending on the length and how I was feeling that day) for runs. HTH!
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    i did walking on 5km/h and running on 9 km/h (i cant run slow)
  • lovinart
    lovinart Posts: 7
    I'm usually running 5.2 pace but go at a pace you can tolerate because c25k is a lot of about building endurance. Once you build your endurance, then you can work on speed. I started c25k and didn't think I would survive without stopping after 2 minutes, but now I can go at a treadmill pace of 5.2-5.3 for 25 minutes without stopping and not feeling like I am going to pass out. Until you finish c25k, think endurance, not speed. I finished my first 5K under 32 minutes, then two 5ks later, finished in 29 minutes. A big accomplishment for me.
  • jessilea53
    jessilea53 Posts: 87 Member
    Everyone is going to be different but for Week 1 I was 3.2 for brisk walk, 4.0 for jog and 3.0 for walk.

    Key thing everyone has been saying and I would have to agree is to take it slow. Dont push yourself too much or youll overdo it be discouraged. If you have to go slower, do it. You pick the pace.

    Good luck!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I agree with lovinart. My first round of c25k I started after not doing any sort of exercise at all for about 5 years and I weighed 227 lbs. I decided to start slow and walked at 3 and jogged at 4. I'm on my 2nd round now and am walking at 3.5 and jogging at 5-6.
  • Imbiutiful
    Imbiutiful Posts: 39
    Ok cool this helps! Ive been walking 3.5 and running 5.2 ! You guys r the BEST!
  • peejie
    peejie Posts: 43
    I walk at 3.8 and run between a 5-6, depending on the day. I usually do day one at a 5, day two at a 5.5 and day three at a 6. As the weeks progress, I may not do a 6 anymore. I am about to start week 4.
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    I run on the treadmill three of the five days that I work out. I actually did not do C25k, but when I first started out I sucked at running! So I started out walking at like a 3.5-3.8 speed. Then when I moved up to running I started out at a 4.5 speed. I started out doing half a mile then moved up to a full mile.
    Now over time I am running at a 5.2 speed for two miles without stopping. And I hope to get faster. Hope this helps!
  • lisadhancock
    lisadhancock Posts: 103
    I usually walk around 3.5 mph and jog some 5 mph and some 6 mph.