OMG. I think I need prof help!



  • wanttogetskinny
    I know it can be scary to bump up your cals, but it does work for many people. I was eating 1200 a day (or just slightly under...about 1150 at the lowest) for weeks, and didn't lose much.

    This week I bumped up to 1400 and I lost 3.5lbs.

    Sometimes your metabolism gets used to what you're doing, and you need to change things up to 'shock' your metabolism.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Just remember 3500 = 1lb . And you always lose from the arms face and calf first. Maybe do some target exercise. If you are walking around sore every now and again, you will feel like you are doing something even though the scale says something else.

    Not everyone loses from the same places first, just like we don't always gain in the same places at the same rates. If you have an apple shape, then you probably will lose from the calves/arms first, but I have a pear shape and have always lost from my waist and chest first. You will lose weight first from the last places you gained it, that's why trouble spots are so troublesome :)
  • ashleymmc20
    ashleymmc20 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everybody. I love logging on and seeing new things to take into consideration. I plan on upping my calories a little bit, to see if it helps.