Turbo Fire /P90X /Insanity Hybrid??

laumanu0507 Posts: 21 Member
edited 6:04AM in Fitness and Exercise
Hey guys so I have been doing Turbo Fire for about a month now and I like it but I don't think it does much for my my stomach and arms which are a big issue for me. So I want to add either P90X Or Insanity but I don't know which one would be best. I want to tone my whole body but mostly my arms and stomach. Which one would you suggest?


  • kimboannie
    kimboannie Posts: 4 Member
    P90X will do it!!!!
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    I am still on turbofire - but I heard GREAT things about Turbofire / P90X hybrid!
  • ltnass78
    ltnass78 Posts: 2
    I have heard great feedback from Sanity
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Add in the arms workouts and the abs workouts from P90x. Insanity is more Cardio based (next level above P90x or Turbo Fire) and while it'll tone you it won't do the same job as P90x.
  • IroncladBRX
    IroncladBRX Posts: 12 Member
    I would recommend P90X for total body toning and strengthening. I have P90X but not yet Insanity, I've got Insanity on it's way right now. Right now I'm doing sort of a Modified P90X with some running mixed in since I love to get out and run. Insanity is much more cardio focused from what I've read and heard. With the summer heat outside, I'm gonna switch to Insanity and do that next.

    I think either way you'd get into great shape with either program.

    Here's a link I found the other day when I was trying to evaluate what to do next, it should help you decide which one is right for you:


    Only think I'm not crazy about with P90X is the Yoga X workout, at 90 minutes it's too long for me. So you might mix in one of your Turbo Fire workouts or something like that to your taste... but you knows you may dig the yoga.

    In my opinion, if you haven't done P90X yet, I don't think you can go wrong there. Then after you're a P90X grad, move on and tackle Insanity :)

    Good luck in your endeavors!
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    Insanity is Core and Cardio...P90X is weights/core/cardio. I think you are wanting to tone the arms and abs...go with P90X. You can add the Turbo Fire to get more cardio too.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It depends on if you want more cardio or strength training. Insanity is more cardio based focusing on intense interval circuits that uses body weight for toning your body. It's effective. Just as is P90X. Though P90X focuses more on circuit training individual muscle groups in order for strength. Both are great, depending on how athletic you feel like performing your routines.

    With insanity, there are no modified moves but with proper form, you're allowed to take as many breaks as needed to get through the exercises without compromising form. There are A LOT of plyometric moves that are involved.

    P90X allows for modification. It's up to you. Either one will produce results as long as you push yourself to the extent of your capabilities.
  • laumanu0507
    laumanu0507 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm kinda leaning towards P90X..in P90X I've seen that they use a chin/pull up bar can u substitute that with something else just because I'm sure that my doors won't hold?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I'm kinda leaning towards P90X..in P90X I've seen that they use a chin/pull up bar can u substitute that with something else just because I'm sure that my doors won't hold?

    They use resistance bands in lieu of pull up bars. You could just hook them up high and perform the back routines that way. That's one of the modified versions of the routines.
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