63+ foods to avoid like the plague



  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    Seriously, what planet are the people on who eat this sort of crap...

    A breaded pork chop for breakfast??? Is that for real or is it a joke?

    Sorry, but anyone who choses to eat anything as disgusting as a breaded pork chop for breakfast deserves to be hugely obese. *shakes head*

    So would a breaded pork chop for dinner be acceptable to you? Or if it's breaded chicken for breakfast, is that ok with you?

    I must say I'm a bit put off by the tone of your post. Just because something doesn't appeal to your taste doesn't mean that people who do like it are disgusting and deserve to be hugely obese. Breaded pork chops are yummy, especially on a biscuit. One from a fast food place isn't the best, but a homemade one is delicious.

    Obviously the things on the list aren't healthy, but a healthy person could eat any one of them once in a while and be just fine. When I get to my goal weight, and even occasionally while I'm losing weight, you can bet I won't be avoiding milkshakes or bacon cheese burgers (though I'll be opting for the smaller sizes or sharing)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I've never eaten a single thing on this list. I'm glad fast food revolts me.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Sorry, but anyone who choses to eat anything as disgusting as a breaded pork chop for breakfast deserves to be hugely obese. *shakes head*

    Pretty crappy thing to say. No one deserves to be obese. And some people are despite not eating breaded pork chops for breakfast or otherwise.
  • wanttogetskinny
    Keep in mind that while fast foods are high in cals, so are many foods at 'sit down' restaurants. Take Applebee's for instance. Unless you specifically order one of their 'Under 500 Calories' or 'Weight Watchers' meals.......you can easily run into 1000+ calories. Some of their appetizers have nearly that much.......

    Most restaurants are like this. It's actually pretty gross once you start researching it.

    I'm not a huge buffet person, but honestly....one of the best places I've found in terms of calories is Golden Corral. Hit the salad bar, get steamed veggies, and go with the seafood and you can easily get more than enough to eat for well under 1000 calories. And if you're still hungry....go get more salad :)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Pretty crappy thing to say. No one deserves to be obese.
    The vast majority of people who end up as obese get there because of the lifestyle choices they have made. Yes a few people have medical disorders but the are in the miniority. The only way forward for most people is to take responsibility for the choices they have made.

    It might be a crappy thing to say, but that list is full of crappy things to eat. Thank god we don't have that stuff where I live.
    So would a breaded pork chop for dinner be acceptable to you?
    No, it wouldn't. Pork chops are full of fat, if they're grilled a lot of the fat is driven off and the rest goes crispy. Unhealthy regularly but occasionally a palatable meal. Coating them in breadcrumbs just seals the fat is, sorry but that whole concept sounds utterly disgusting at any time of the day.
  • beth_hayden
    beth_hayden Posts: 22 Member
    Yum Blizzards...I must go to bed or I will have to have a snack! :tongue:
  • jmore85
    jmore85 Posts: 36
    I wonder if there's a similar list out there for the UK? If there is, those Whoppers would definitely feature in it that's for sure!!!

    I have no idea, I posted this list but I dont live in the states, I just found it absolutely incredible that there could be so many calories in one part of a meal....yikes... Thank goodness i can safely say I have never had any of the above
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Anyone else see this list as a challenge?
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    Not ALL fast foods are bad-if you take the time to look through the menu, you can find sensible solutions. I always look up the nutrition info before ordering-it can save your diet.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I used to love those DQ chicken strip baskets!! I had no idea they had so many calories... of course, I was in my early twenties, and pretty active, and very fit... so I guess adding in a bunch of extra calories every now and then was something my body could handle. Good to know now, since my body no longer burns off everything I eat like it's nothing! LOL