water water this myth unveiled



  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    wikipedia drinking water
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    urban legend? hmm- dont think so! i think we all ought to have some concrete evidence before we go to 'bust' myths! Unless you are medically qualified and know what you are talking about then id probably take this a bit more seriously! for now i'll just say 'pzzzz' as my two year old would say when she hears something utterly rubbish
  • missionwtls
    I drink when thirsty. It usually comes out to about 64 oz a day (8 glasses). I'm sure everyone is different, it's absurd to think 8 8oz glasses of water is ideal for everyone. But I also believe it's probably a good idea to drink lots of fluid-- and water is a logical choice since it's what we're made of. Live and let live, I say... and don't hate on the water. :)
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    wikipedia enter drinking water

    seriously? that is your source? oh dear ...

    You asked for peer reviewed sources.... here's a start....


    Here's the actual science journal article: http://dms.dartmouth.edu/news/2002_h2/pdf/8x8.pdf

    No reason to write off wikipedia, either.... they have sources cited there.... check the citations out if you don't believe.
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    My nephrologist (kidney doctor) has told me, and I have passed this on so many times to other people (not here on MFP, until now). When I asked him about drinking 64 oz. of water a day, he told me it does not have to be all water. As long as it is not caffeinated or alcohol (which will dehydrate ), not full of sugar, etc., it is fine to drink other fluids besides water. This includes decaf coffee and tea, decaf, sf drinks, etc. He has also explained to me that foods which are converted to fluids in your body can also be counted; such as ice cream (in moderation, of course) and jello.

    To me, if someone is comfortable drinking just water, that's their choice, as long as they don't overdo it, as stated in some of the above posts. But, if someone wants to drink other fluids besides just water, that also counts. These "rules" are not concrete for everyone, and we all need to use a bit of common sense and listen to our bodies to know what is right for us.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Nothing new here, everyone who has researched this issue, even superficially, has come to the same conclusions; needs vary by individual circumstances, and by the time H2O reaches the kidneys, the body has no way of knowing in what form it entered the body.

    The only real surprise is that some people still hold onto the myth that H2O has to be consumed as "water" and that there is anything specal about the figure of eight glasses of water a day. It's disappointing that this site, which is excellent in so many ways, perpetrates this dangerous* myth.

    But I really don't know why I'm bothering posting to this thread, in real life I gave up banging my head against this particular brick wall years ago. Whether other people believe in the tooth fairy or the magical healthy "eight glasses" makes no difference to me.

    Wondering whether you're dehydrated? Just look at the colour of your piss. That's official! :bigsmile:

    *Yes it is dangerous. Requirements vary dramatically, for some people (eg labourers or athletes performing in extreme heat) eight glasses a day is dangerously low.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    wikipedia enter drinking water

    I'm sorry, but when someone says 'check it out on Wikipedia' I do not count that as reliable. It's cool for general curiosity on a subject, but I wouldn't find you more credible for sourcing it.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Quit drinking alcohol over 25 years ago, have had less than 5 soft drinks in the last five years, only drank FF milk on cereal, which I no longer eat, so what’s left? Water. I drink it when I am thirsty and until my urine is white, which for me, is about 100 oz day.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    wikipedia enter drinking water

    I'm sorry, but when someone says 'check it out on Wikipedia' I do not count that as reliable. It's cool for general curiosity on a subject, but I wouldn't find you more credible for sourcing it.

    Like I said.... you don't need to believe Wikipedia, but at least check out the citations in the Wiki article before writing it off. I'm sorry, If you're going to scoff at the credibility of Wikipedia, you must also discredit all citations in the given article... its the nature of the beast.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    yeah - I'm definitely in the drink when thirsty boat. I was told that too much water dilutes important nutrients in the body, and just the way I feel when i force myself to drink glass after glass of water just for the sake of it, tell me its wrong.

    Everyone is different, :blushing:

    Water dilutes nutrients?

    I must say, I've seen a lot of BS on these boards, but I think that one is the cake topper.

    No disrespect to you -- more to whomever told you that.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    1. Your assertion that 8 glasses a day is a "bottled" water company ruse to sell more is FALSE. I heard that LONG before bottled water was even really available. In fact, other than old Evian and local Arrowhead ads, I don't remember any recent advertising for bottled water, let alone for 8 glasses a day.

    2. Most of our current drink portions are 16 oz or more, so its really 4 glasses per day.

    3. People don't always drink when they are thirsty as you say. Not too long ago a Boy Scout died of dehydration on a hike even though he had plenty of water in his canteen.

    4. Don't know if this is true, but I read that if your urine is light yellow like lemon-aide, you are consuming enough water based drinks. If its dark yellow/orange, you probably need to drink more.

    5. You are correct that other drinks are hydrating, but sometimes their ingredients (e.g. caffeine) make them less so than water. Certainly alcohol is NOT hydrating.

    6. What you say may be true, but just because it was on a TV program does not make it so.

    7. The amount of water you need each day will vary with where you are (dry climate v damp) the weather (hot v cold) and the amount of your activity. Lots of activity on a hot day in a dry climate may demand MORE than the 8 glasses per day.

    Here is an excellent MEDICAL source for this question: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/water/NU00283

    Here is a good video on WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/video/sports-drinks
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    To me, some of the myth busted here was at no time were there ever any randomized controlled etc. research done saying that it is necessary.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I prefer to keep hydrated. SO I'm going to go ahead and keep drinking my water ( since it is no fat, no calorie and no sugar) but YOU can go ahead and stop drinking it. Let me know how you feel ok?

    .... I also can't believe that people are arguing over whether or not to drink water. I understand the debates over aspartame, or carbs but water really? To each their own of course, but the way I look at it : If you've found success doing things a certain way then keep on doing it. Personally, I LOVE water, especially during a work out. Other drinks don't fulfill my thirst sensation. Also, back when i worked at the board of health, one of our key messages to a healthy lifestyle was "don't drink your calories" .. maybe that's where my water addiction kicked in.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Even if it is not REQUIRED for healthy function I see nothing wrong with drinking more water than necessary. Just like with everything else health related, 8 glasses of water a day is not applicable to everyone. Some people eat a diet rich in hydrating foods and low in sodium so can get away with barely any additional water. Some people eat mcDonalds and soda 3 times a day.

    Water poisoning only happens if you drink EXTREME amounts of water (1.5-2 ounces per pound of body weight) and do not intake enough salt. In these extreme cases, you body cells intake too much water and will explode because not enough water can diffuse out of the cell. I find nothing wrong with encouraging people to drink 8 glasses of water a day considering that so many people will reach for soda and not water when they are thirsty nowadays, but of course everyone is very much entitled to making their own decisions..
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    It may sound completely absurd but from personal experience and being hospitalized twice overnight I have been told that I was drinking too much water which had caused my potassium levels to fall and send my heart into irregular beats. I now have to ensure that I eat good potassium foods daily as well as I decreased my water intake to 8 to 10 glasses at that point I was closer to 18 to 20 glasses a day
    yeah - I'm definitely in the drink when thirsty boat. I was told that too much water dilutes important nutrients in the body, and just the way I feel when i force myself to drink glass after glass of water just for the sake of it, tell me its wrong.

    Everyone is different, :blushing:

    Water dilutes nutrients?

    I must say, I've seen a lot of BS on these boards, but I think that one is the cake topper.

    No disrespect to you -- more to whomever told you that.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    It may sound completely absurd but from personal experience and being hospitalized twice overnight I have been told that I was drinking too much water which had caused my potassium levels to fall and send my heart into irregular beats. I now have to ensure that I eat good potassium foods daily as well as I decreased my water intake to 8 to 10 glasses at that point I was closer to 18 to 20 glasses a day
    yeah - I'm definitely in the drink when thirsty boat. I was told that too much water dilutes important nutrients in the body, and just the way I feel when i force myself to drink glass after glass of water just for the sake of it, tell me its wrong.

    Everyone is different, :blushing:

    Water dilutes nutrients?

    I must say, I've seen a lot of BS on these boards, but I think that one is the cake topper.

    No disrespect to you -- more to whomever told you that.

    Thanks for explaining your situation.

    Water in reasonable amounts, however, does not dilute nutrients. I just can't believe someone would spread such a statement :P
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I think the whole point is that water is good. But anything done to the extreme can go from good to bad. Moderation is the key.
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    I have been in the ER many times and have suffered from dehydration and heat stroke several times. Once I thought I had the flu and when my roommate had to help me to even get off the couch in order to try to pee which wasn't much I was rushed to the ER once again and was on IV's. My whole life I hated water and would not drink it. Actually I never drank much fluids at all. So at first about least see I had my head injury in 2002 and was one year after that I was in the ER and they were able to get me to drink at least one gaterade a day then too two. Slowly I staarted mixing it with water, I started noticing thirst and began to drink more water. Now I can get maybe 6 glsses down. Yes you can count all the vegies I eat. But I refuse to buy any BS that we don't need to drink water. The last time I waas dehydrated I was almost in intensive care. You can read "wikpedia" or believe anything you want to read online. I won't. I learned the hard way. I limit to two cups of coffee a day. Maybe a glass of tea. Then I keep a glass of water on my desk :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Your urine should be almost clear and have no odor. The necessary water per person may vary, but if your urine is yellow to gold and smells (when you haven't been eating asparagus, lol) you are dehydrated. I've always been told that if you are thirsty you've waited too long to drink.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have no problem consuming up to 16 8oz servings a day. I work hard. I sweat. I drink. Some days more than others. On rest days I don't consume nearly as much.