just starting.......

Hi,I`m Tracey from Bucks County PA,Just starting here,and so far I love it!
Trying to lose 10-15 lbs,starting slow,I would be happy with 5 lbs!


  • jillwaller
    jillwaller Posts: 82
    I'm Jill! I'm just starting too haha my goal is about 8-10 pounds. Mostly I just want to be toned and healthy, I'm not looking to lose major weight. Good luck!
  • Ok, I am a little over today from the sweets at your house and the burger kind double cheeseburger from the drive through! Haha! Fun day! Good thing I excercised today:) Will do a big one tomorrow! We can do this together:)
  • Welcome, I've been on here almost 4 weeks, I like in Northern MD (about 30 minutes from the PA line) You'll find everyone on here to be very supportive and motivating. Hope you enjoy it!
  • smw0130
    smw0130 Posts: 15
    Hi! I live in Berks County, PA! I'm joined MFP a two weeks ago, and am just now reaching out to others for support and to make friends in this journey. I'd love to add you as a friend and keep up with each other's progress :) I've lost 7lbs since joining MFP, and my goal is to lose about 25 more. Good luck to you!
  • Welcome girl