Rest Day Guilt

I am feeling really guilty :frown:
I have had 2 rest days from exercise when I only should be having one. I feel extremely guilty & afraid I'm going to gain weight (even though I haven't gone over my calorie limit). I plan to start again tomorrow but i just haven't felt up for it today, I know I'm probably being irrational.

I was wondering if you guys have had more than 1 rest day from your exercise schedule & if you noticed weight gain.

Thanks :smile:


  • NatStylz
    NatStylz Posts: 38
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I understand the rest day guilt feeling. I'm the same way. I actually miss working out when I can't!
    Three years ago, I had a stress fracture in my foot and was not allowed to work out at all for six weeks. Have to admit, the first 2-3 weeks were the worst. However, I watched my diet very carefully and didn't gain a thing!
    You shouldn't feel guilty about taking two days off. Hey-it might it even shake things up and make you lose a little. You never know!:smile:
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    I have chronic fatigue and have learned to take it easy when my body needs it, but I do feel guilty when I don't work out
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I know some people who do an entire rest weekend. Your body needs rest in order for you to benefit from all the hard work you are doing. I rest one day but watch what I eat and " cheat" the next day but still work out. It makes it feel like I am taking it easy in one way or another the entire weekend. I do have a hard time not running though.
  • IroncladBRX
    IroncladBRX Posts: 12 Member
    1 day per week should be all you need eventually. If you need more than that you may just need to build up yourself more gradually or vary the kinds of workouts you're doing. (strength/cardio etc)

    You may be working yourself too intensely and making yourself too tired and sore. If you work into it very gradually (I mean REALLY gradually, yet still giving yourself a slight challenge) you should be at the point where you really look forward to your workouts.

    That said, you shouldn't feel guilty right now if you just feel like your body needs a rest.

    If it's more a mental thing, just try to do at least your warmup. You may feel better after your warmup and may find that you can get in a good workout.

    But I think it's a good idea to at least commit to a warmup and stretching afterward at least 6 days a week.

    Listen to your body, but make sure you don't let your body dicate what you decide to do if you're just feeling lethargic.
    Sometimes you need to spend energy to feel more energy.
  • IroncladBRX
    IroncladBRX Posts: 12 Member
  • NatStylz
    NatStylz Posts: 38
    Thanks for your advice, i feel less guilty now
  • NatStylz
    NatStylz Posts: 38
    I think its much more of a mental thing where I feel like I have lost the willpower to do long exercises, but I'm really disciplined with my calorie intake.