Newbie grandma looking for friends

Hi there, just joined today and hoping this will help me out. I am a grandma to a wonderful little boy, mother to two amazingdaughters, girlfriend to a wonderful man and caregiver to a great mother. My day is full from start to finish with working and family and it is hard to find time to fit in exercise - but am hoping this will help me with my diet and exercise. I want to loose about 30 pounds.


  • lugovelb
    lugovelb Posts: 60
    Hello you welcome to add me.. I been here for about 4 day i think.
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    Welcome! It's always nice to meet another Canadian. :) Feel free to add me if you like. I would love to join you on your journey.
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome! This is a wonderful site filled with very helpful and motivating people. Good luck with your weight loss! Sending you a friend request.