joining a gym



  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    water, towel and a form of music! i personally cannot workout unless i have pumping music in my ears. if ur lucky enough to have screens in the machine like my gym u just need earphones :)

    make sure you are going there for YOU and honestly dont take any noice of others around you as this may put you off.

    good luck and i hope you get the addiction gym bug like me its an amazing feeling xx
  • laureneva15
    laureneva15 Posts: 280
    Thank you all so much! I will take it under advisement.
    I spoke to the gym manager yesterday and he said from 4-7 there's a trainer there that walks around the gym floor helping people (with technique and any questions they have)
    I'm thinking of maybe doing a consultation ($35) and they do a training program and a nutrition program up for you. But I may wait a month or two into it because my bother (who is a gym junkie and an army guy) said if I want he can help train me and make up a routine for me. and he'd know what I want better than the trainer and would know not tobpush me too hard cos it will scare me off a little at first. Which I know is weird because I really want this but that's just how my mind works. Example - my ex wanted us to get fit together and kept trying to push me instead of letting myself ease into it so it felt more like I was doing it for him not for me so despite really wanting to get fit and healthy and lose weight I didn't workout to spite him, or myself, depending on how you look at it.
  • laureneva15
    laureneva15 Posts: 280
    Oh also hell yes I am going to be doing the classes! I have a friend from uni that's joined up and she is really thrilled to do the classes but she's a lot fitter than me so she'll be better at it but I'll have more guts and determination. Of course the classes I will be doing will depend on when I don't have classes at uni lol!
    Unfortunately they don't offer zumba :(
    But if I pay a little extra I can use the gym at my uni's other campus that has a pool and swimming ... let's just say I should have been born a fish :D so I'm going to look into that when the pool opens up for summer. Hopefully will have lost some weight by then so won't be as self conscious of how much like a walrus I look
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    I always have my iPod, towel, heart rate monitor and Camelbak water bottle with me when I go to the gym.

    I would absolutely recommend getting involved in the group exercise classes. I've only really had success with losing weight while I regularly attended group classes (2-3 times a week plus another day or two on the elliptical). I'm not really a fan of the weight machines because I don't push myself hard enough. I would recommend taking a weight lifting class. They use free weights and teach you the proper techniques. I REALLY saw a difference in muscle definition once I started taking weight lifting classes. Spin is also really fun!