Bikini Challenge!

Hi i am new to posting on here but have been logging my foods for about 2 months. I have treid so many diets, pills etc etc but nothing has been the miracle i want and worked for me, so now the hard work has to start and hoping for miracles to stop.

I am 25 5ft 5in and currently weigh 154lbs and want to get down to 124lbs in 6 weeks.

I have set the goal for me for 30lbs in 6weeks ( yes i know this is high but if i dont set a high target i wont work hard enough to get there).

Previously i have not exercised just dieted so now my challenge is to do both, i have started today and im going to be doing the 30day shred first thing before breakfast, lunch 10mins of jumping jacks and in the evening 60mins of running outside not the treadmill. I am going to be eating alot healthier and sticking to working out probably everyday if i can if not all of them i will do at lest the 10mins of jumping jacks.

I want to lose the weight for myself as since putting on 5 stone when i was pregnant with my twins it was my excuse for being overweight but nearly 2 years later i cant still be using this excuse, plus i know i need to do something before i dont have the time and back to work.

I am new to Australia Brisbane so dont know anybody to exercise and lose weight with so its hard to keep myself motivated so if anyone would like to join me on this challenge or just to chat to keep ourselves motivated feel free to add me as a friend.

So far so good today i have done everything apart fom my run which will be later on tonight, 6 weeks of this will be easy! (i hope lol) I CAN DO IT AND I WILL DO IT!!!


  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm a Brisbane girl too! Actually your post topic intrigued me because I just bought a new bikini for this coming summer (go go Winter Sales) and I know I need to flatten and tone up that white belly in the next few months.

    Doing some exercise while you're changing your eating habits to something healthier is a good idea. However, don't set a demanding workout program and then get discouraged if you can't keep to it *forever*.

    It's easy to aim to do a workout everyday. But it's very difficult to keep that up for long time without feeling overwhelmed and then, once you miss a few workouts, feeling like giving up.

    Drink lots of water, walk whenever you can (instead of driving) and don't get discouraged if you find it hard to meet your target. Even some exercise is better than doing none! And 1 workout per week is better than none. I know that I struggle to meet my 3-4 workouts per week goal.