Staph infections! Has anyone had one?

RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
I know this has nothing to do with weight loss, but as a supportive community I figured I'd get your opinions :bigsmile: My husband was playing softball on a Friday and slid into base. He scraped up his ankle and the side of his calf pretty bad. We didn't think anything of it until he was at work on Monday and he called me and said he couldn't hardly put weight on it because it hurt so bad. When he got home, I literally had to pull his boot off of his foot because his foot was soooo swollen. We went to the doctor and they told us he had a staph infection and gave him a shot of Rocefin (sp?) and put him on Clyndimicyn (sp?) and an antibiotic cream. We were told to keep it clean with half peroxide - half water mixture and scrub it with Dial soap and water. We ended up having to go to the ER to get another shot of Rocefin because the infection was spreading! He then followed up with the doctor on Friday and ended up having to get another shot of Rocefin and another antibiotic and also had to get a shop of Prednisone. They also sent him home with 3 more prescriptions! My concern is is that even though the swelling as went down a little bit, it is still very red on the top of his foot and almost purplish looking around the ankle. Has anyone ever had this type of infection and if so, should we still be worried? He still cannot put weight for long periods of time on his foot because it hurts him. He also says that it hurts to the bone. Just worried and any insight is greatly appreciated!


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I've never had a steph infection but know they are pretty serious. If it's not better you should go back. It can be horrible and lead to other secondary infection. Take it seriously.
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    I've had them, several times unfortunately. It will stay swollen and very red for awhile. Make sure he takes the antibiotics as prescribed and if you have any concern that it may be spreading or getting worse don't hesitate to take him to the doc/hospital. These infections are nasty and not something to take lightly.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    if he has a staph infection that hurts to the bone & is discolored, he should go to his dr first thing tomorrow. staph is nothing to mess with. and can be very serious.

    google it
  • RdySetGO11
    RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
    We definitely aren't taking it lightly! They've kept him out of work for a week now and he's not supposed to go back until Wednesday (to work). We're supposed to follow up tomorrow again to see if these new antibiotics are working! It's definitely keeping us on our toes - especially since we have little ones around!
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    I was hospitalized 3 weeks ago.

    I went to Magic Mountain and apparently leaned on a dirty arm rail while waiting in line. I ended up with both Staph and Strep infections in my arm.

    I was on I.V. Vancomycin, plus oral Doxycyclene, Septra, and Amox for nearly two weeks.

    It wasn't fun.

    Staph, Strep, and MRSA are nasty. Don't mess around. I nearly lost my arm.

    If it is still swelling and doesn't show improvement within 12 to 24 hours go back to the doctor. Watch it for swelling (Cellulitis), and watch for red streaks going up his leg.
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    Also as he's taking the antibiotics make sure he's ingesting some yogurt with live cultures. After he's done with all these antibiotics get him on a Pro Biotic to rebuild his immune system.
  • mommyfirst77
    mommyfirst77 Posts: 119
    It is rough stuff! My kids have had it and I had it in my knee~ My youngest daughter took well over 6 months to fully get over it. They had to change her antibiotics.! She was on Clyndamicin 3+times. I had to get ugly! Just keep it elevated, and watch it, if it looks worse go back in. It is nothing to play with that is for sure :( So sorry hun!
  • RdySetGO11
    RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
    I was hospitalized 3 weeks ago.

    I went to Magic Mountain and apparently leaned on a dirty arm rail while waiting in line. I ended up with both Staph and Strep infections in my arm.

    I was on I.V. Vancomycin, plus oral Doxycyclene, Septra, and Amox for nearly two weeks.

    It wasn't fun.

    Staph, Strep, and MRSA are nasty. Don't mess around. I nearly lost my arm.

    If it is still swelling and doesn't show improvement within 12 to 24 hours go back to the doctor. Watch it for swelling (Cellulitis), and watch for red streaks going up his leg.

    They did diagnose him with cellulitis which was what was scary! Did your infection make your bones hurt? He's been complaining about that and how nauseated he's been. He's thinking it's the meds they have him on with the nausea.
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    serious stuff....make sure the doctor stays on top of it...if the bone is hurting get to the doc/er first thing!

    Staph is nothing to mess with...

    Sending you and your hubby best wishes!
  • RdySetGO11
    RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
    serious stuff....make sure the doctor stays on top of it...if the bone is hurting get to the doc/er first thing!

    Staph is nothing to mess with...

    Sending you and your hubby best wishes!

    Thank you! I'm calling the doc first the in the morning!
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I'll be praying for you guys. Those are nasty infections that can go bad very quickly. I've never had one, but I've googled/youtubed/researched it enough to know I really don't ever want one. My dad was an RN for 20 years and I have heard MANY stories that didn't end well. God bless. I hope he starts feeling better soon!
  • ashleymmc20
    ashleymmc20 Posts: 39 Member
    I have never had an experience with staph before, but I know it's serious. Saying a little prayer for you guys tonight!
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    Cellulitis is a Strep infection. That's serious stuff.

    I hurt to the bone, but then again my arm was swollen to the size of my leg so I couldn't feel much. Nevertheless, there are a lot of side effects with antibiotics and prednisone.

    I'm surprised the ER didn't give him something for pain.

    Nevertheless, DRAW a line with a felt tip marker at the EDGE of the red. Keep an eye on it and watch for it to swell and turn red/purple beyond the pen marks. It SHOULD be retreating after two shots. If it's not you need to let them know.

    If you need to PM with with questions, please feel free
  • jhalpin78
    jhalpin78 Posts: 5 Member
    I think some other people have said things along these lines, but.. Do not mess around with Staph. Go back and insist they take a culture to see if it's MRSA. Often doctors don't, even though it's pretty common. Do some research and make sure the drug they give him will work for MRSA (I had bactrim, but it depends on how bad the infection is). If it is MRSA, clean everything while he's on the antibiotics.. sheets, towels, anything that touches skin. I hosed down my mattress and car with Lysol. If you don't, you can re-infect yourself from things you touch. I had MRSA 6 times within a 1 year period until I did this. Eventually I washed everything in the hottest water I could, lysol-ed everything, got rid of my soap, deoderant, razor.. anything that touched my skin. If it DOES re-occur, go to an infectious disease specialist instead of your regular doctor. They're much more vigilant when it comes to MRSA and more helpful when it comes to preventing re-infections. I'm sure people think I sound a little crazy, but seriously.. MRSA was the worst pain I'd ever been in and it spreads really fast. I had a lot of problems getting doctors to take it seriously and prescribe the right medications, even after cultures had confirmed that it was MRSA. I've sort of become a walking PSA for it since then (and I'm also a microbiologist).
  • karamille
    karamille Posts: 79 Member
    Didn't read thru all the replies, but if no one has suggested it... BLEACH BATHS!!!!! First - scrub your tub and make sure its clean, clean, clean - then fill it up like a regular bath, then add 1/2 cup bleach (we use 1/4-1/3 cup bleach for ezcema for our kids) and have him soak in it. Do it EVERY DAY until its healed. It should be another spoke in your treatment wheel. Good luck - and don't hesitate to keep bothing your dr if you don't think its healing right. And do the marker thing that a PP suggested. It gives you visual confirmation if its getting better or worse

    PS.... Its probably the infection making his nauseated. Mine was a tiny spot and I just kept thinking "there is no way that little spot is making me feel so bad" but sure enough it was.

    And PSS..... i don't *THINK* you are supposed to get steriod shots when you have a staph infection. It by nature shuts down the immune response. Definitely get a second opinion. I think he should be on IV abx.
  • jhalpin78
    jhalpin78 Posts: 5 Member
    Also, it's contagious. I had a doctor tell a friend that it's not (regular Staph probably isn't so much but MRSA can be).. so you should be extra vigilant when taking care of the wound. Usually I'd never say this, but antimicrobial soap is probably a good thing, or you can get something called Hibiclense at most drugstores and it works very well (it's near the iodine or peroxide usually).
  • ashleymmc20
    ashleymmc20 Posts: 39 Member
    My uncle almost died of MRSA. It's deadly stuff.
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    Rocephin is used as a treatment for MRSA, Staph, Strep, and several other bacterial infections and STDs
  • RoseBudd85
    RoseBudd85 Posts: 49
    My uncle was in the hospital for almost a month with a anti-biotic resistant strain. It started in his sinuses and we almost lost him.
  • RdySetGO11
    RdySetGO11 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks everyone for you replies and comments! We went back to the dr today and they want him to continue with the meds he is on and they have kept him out of work for another week! They are concerned because it is so close to the bone that if he does anything that could contaminate the would it could get into his bloodstream and his bones. Not good! He's been a little more nauseated and has felt more pain today than he has been the past few days. So needless to say, he has taken a pain pill and a finergen (sp?) and is passed out on the couch lol. Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers!