@ MEN doing 30DS - weight question

keiraev Posts: 695 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
I am trying to get my husband to do the 30 DS with me (could be a very bad idea!) - he does no exercise at all but wants to tone up his belly before we go away. He's not fat, just unfit- but obviously way stronger than a woman lol

I have a pair of 5lb hand weights I can use but what weight should a guy lift if he is doing the DVD as he will need to purchase some?


  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I recommend that you get a set of weights with various plates so he can adjust up or down as needed) I use a set that is 5.5lbs and tried to move my husband up higher (he is a long distance runner, so great legs but little upper body strength) and he had to use the same weight as me- I think he could have gone up to 6.5 -7.5pounds but not the 10 I put him on ....
  • My husband has some twelves that he uses when he does 30DS with me. I use fives as well. I think his might be a little too heavy, really. I thought I read somewhere that they are using threes in the video, so maybe more along the line of eights would be appropriate for a man?
  • JustBill
    JustBill Posts: 93 Member
    I think at a minimum he should be using 10lbs. Not having any idea about your husband's build and all it is hard to say definitively but I'd think that would be the lowest weight a guy would go. I was doing 30ds with 10lbs and it honestly wasn't very hard - that is the weight part, the program itself was a very good workout.
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