dont know what i am doing wrong.



  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i have upped my calories, to 1490. that is was mfp gave me when i changed my goal from 2pounds a week(which wasnt happpning anyway) to 1 pound, and my activity from sedentary to to lightly active which is more acurate with my job.

    I am still a little doubtful as i lost the first 50 eating much less, but, even though my work hasnt changed i went from a 1 hour belly dance class , to joining a gym the begining of year, and going several days a week, now doing classes (spinning,zumba) and this past month Insanity daily, and still doing gym stuff several days on top of that, or running.

    so maybe i do need to increase to match activity? its still very nerous.

    as far as some of the foods, well i don t do the cooking or the main shopping, i will often go buy things I want and make them but have been a little short the extra funds, would love to be able to add more veggies, fruits well afraid to eat to many fruits, though been eating a few more. and I used to love fruits.

    and on the insanity i only tend to burn about 300 cals, hoping for a bigger burn in month two

    Trust me, the last 20 lbs are NOTHING like all the rest of the weight. The last 20 will be harder and probably take longer to lose than the first 54 lbs. But don't stress about that. I can tell you, that if you are going to the gym/doing insanity 5 days a week, you are under estimating your activity. You should be no less than moderate. I would seriously check out the link below and see where it puts you in terms of moderate exercise. Also, keep in mind, at this point, you should be aiming to turn fat into muscle. You want to do this because muscle burns fat. And the more muscle you have, the more food you can eat; the better your body is able to control weight, insulin... increase your immune system and so forth. Under eating will only harm your metabolism and harm your Basal Metobolic Rate (BMR). I can tell you from pesonal experience and working with others, that increasing your calories is the right thing to do but do a search of threads on here and they all point to severely undereating. Good luck, if you have other questions or need more information please let me know but please look at the link below.

    heh much more to lose then 20 more like 80 more
  • tetra85
    tetra85 Posts: 17 Member
    and on the insanity i only tend to burn about 300 cals, hoping for a bigger burn in month two

    Are u sure you only burn 300 cals...? My experience was burning about 600-700 cal from the first workout... Just thinking - if your burning moore.... u should eat even moore exercise calories. :wink:

    Good luck.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    and on the insanity i only tend to burn about 300 cals, hoping for a bigger burn in month two

    Are u sure you only burn 300 cals...? My experience was burning about 600-700 cal from the first workout... Just thinking - if your burning moore.... u should eat even moore exercise calories. :wink:

    Good luck.

    That was a surprise to me too. Everyone I know who does insanity burns a ton of calories.
  • I am having the same problem and there are a few things I'm going to try, I'll share with you.

    1. First of all, are you getting enough sleep? You need at least 6 - 8 hours per day. This is a problem for me..I never sleep, so I'm trying to get more sleep and hopefully that will help.
    2. Secondly, how is your stress? Stress causes you to retain fluid. Relax!
    3. Add fiber to your food. I started drinking one glass of metamucil per day. I hate it, but it's true that there could be 5 pounds stuck in your colon!

    I hope this helps, I"ll let you know if it helps me...add me to your friends list if you like :)
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    just going by what my heart rate monitor says. and its not like i got at it half assed either, as gross as it sounds i have pushed myself to the point of vomitting (justa little). so you would think more. i don't kmw
    but the the hrm is all i have to go by
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    just going by what my heart rate monitor says. and its not like i got at it half assed either, as gross as it sounds i have pushed myself to the point of vomitting (justa little). so you would think more. i don't kmw
    but the the hrm is all i have to go by

    i would make sure it's setup properly. If you don't, they can be vastly inaccurate. if you do insanity every day, i generally put people in the very active category, so just keep that in mind. The same goes for a program like p90x.

    Just for a reference point, when I do chalean extreme I eat 2600-2800 calories. When I do p90x, I eat 3000-3200 calories.
  • meowmily
    meowmily Posts: 85
    maybe you're already doing this.. but I find I won't lose a single pound if I eat past 8pm, even if I eat really healthy and exercise. I'm trying to quit eating right at 6 or 7 and it has really sped up my weight loss.
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    I commented on this on Monday when it was posted, because I was in the same spot, on a plateau. I had tried getting even stricter with myself and making sure to measure every little piece of food, logging obsessively and etc. On Monday I kept reading over and over people saying eat more on these topics. I upped my calories from 1,200 to 1,580 and have already lost .7 lbs this week (that's with no exercise). I was scared to do it too, thought I would gain; but so glad I tried. It's nice having more leeway and being able to eat more and to be able to lose while doing that is icing on the cake.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I commented on this on Monday when it was posted, because I was in the same spot, on a plateau. I had tried getting even stricter with myself and making sure to measure every little piece of food, logging obsessively and etc. On Monday I kept reading over and over people saying eat more on these topics. I upped my calories from 1,200 to 1,580 and have already lost .7 lbs this week (that's with no exercise). I was scared to do it too, thought I would gain; but so glad I tried. It's nice having more leeway and being able to eat more and to be able to lose while doing that is icing on the cake.

    That is awesome news... Keep up the good work. Now just think how much you can eat with exercise. lol
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    so far upping my cals i have not lost any, only been what 5 days, but have not gained which ofcourse was my bigger fear.

    oh and thanks for all the advice an help
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    so far upping my cals i have not lost any, only been what 5 days, but have not gained which ofcourse was my bigger fear.

    oh and thanks for all the advice an help

    It takes time. Keep in mind you will NOT always lose a lb or two one week or another. When I went off my diet for two weeks (well between 4th of july and my bday celebration) I gained 6 lbs. No biggy. So i got back on the horse, started to eat right again and lost 3lbs in a week. Your bodies weight will fluctuate. The biggest thing you want to do is convert fat into muscle so you can burn more calories and eat more food! This way, even when you go off your diet, your body can adjust to the additional calories a lot easier.

    Now if you don't lose weight in a few weeks (yes weeks), UP your calories. I highly assume you are burning more calories than you think. Chalean Johnson has a good say "if you want to be an athlete, you have to train and eat like one" And athlete's eat a lot of food. It's generally why they gain weight after they stop playing sports. Below is a quote from sleepy texan which I love. And it sums it all up. It's simple, look at those who are at their goal and see how they eat. I am doing a MFP study on body fat and the amount calories consumed (below link) and from the 33 woman I have collected data from so far, those that are below 20% body fat (considered athletic), the average person eats 1800 calories. it's just a reference point and doesn't necessarily mean all eat that, but something for you to think over.

    You may encounter many people who will tell you NOT to eat exercise calories, but when you encounter those people, check to see if those are people who are at goal and have been at goal for an extended period of time. Find out if they are athletes, or if they have been fit throughout their lives. Chances are, the people who will tell you not to eat exercise calories are in fact NOT fit and healthy, and unfortunately, they just don't understand.