Help with calculating exercise to WW points (points plus)

I'm casually on weight watchers- I haven't joined. So I don't have access to the website and all I have on the points plus stuff are the books my husband got when he joined for a month (to get the books). I have been working out like crazy, but I'm not sure how to turn that into points. Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance!

(feel free to add me as a friend- I'm new here)


  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    There should be a slider that calculates exercise points for you. It's based on your current weight, the level of intensity, and the amount of time. I don't have that slider; I got rid of all of my WW material that was pre-points plus and quit when Points Plus came out.
  • MaryTuttle
    MaryTuttle Posts: 31 Member
    there should be a conversion table in the first book, it is called something like "getting started". I don't have the info with me but I will try to remember to get the info to you when I get home.
  • FrauHausMaus
    FrauHausMaus Posts: 194
    I had the slider for the old one, but I threw it away. For some reason, I can't find the getting started book for the points plus. All I have are the food guides and the little tracker book. I guess I'm missing a book? I very well might have thrown it out by mistake
  • mmck1006
    mmck1006 Posts: 15 Member
    Consider joining, even temporary. At least you'll have the material:smile:
  • alaw1119
    alaw1119 Posts: 68 Member
    1 activity point equals about 80-100 cals
  • mollykat73
    mollykat73 Posts: 56 Member
    I alway used 100 calories to equal 1 WW point