did you gain when first starting to eat exercise calories

I just started eating my exercise calories last week. I lost 5.3, last week but this week noticed I am up 1.8. i heard sometimes you gain a little when first starting to eat exercise calories. I know for sure I was undereating before but my dr insisted I stay at 1500 calories even though I worked out 6 days a week, with a variety of spin, running, tabata drills, zumba, kickboxing. and strenght training. But I was tired all the time and sluggish. Now since eating more I have energy and not sleepy all the time. I have true hunger pains and have been cycling calories from 2000 to 1900 to 1890 etc. I wear a hrm to give me a good idea of calorie burn and I usually burn about 900 or so a workout. Will the gain go away soon? Or will it take a few weeks to adjust?