saying good-bye to unrealistic "goal clothes"

Has anyone else dealt with this?

I have a pair of jeans that I have been dreaming about fitting back into since I started this weight loss journey/diet/lifestyle change/etc.

They are size 10's. They fit me at my low weight of 135, which was my original goal weight. However... I was 20 years old and had an eating disorder. My body has changed a lot of the last 6.5 years, and now I'm more pear-shaped than I've ever been.

And I'm pretty happy with my pear-shaped body. I'm even okay with my cellulite, stretch marks, and extra skin. It's my body, ya know? I may as well love it, especially the things that cannot be changed.

Anyway, this weekend, I weighed in at 146.4, and tried on my "goal jeans". Not even close to fitting. They won't fit in 6.4 pounds, no way. So... I put them in my "donate to Goodwill" pile with the rest of my clothes that don't fit.

Big step for me.

Anyone else have unrealistic goal clothes that you probably should go ahead and get rid of?


  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    I have a few pairs of jeans like that, and decided that if I ever got that small again I deserve new jeans anyway.
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    yeah... i have a few pieces like that but I've not hit your mentality yet... by the same token, i feel that I could actually do it. There's ONE pair of jeans that would be the ULTIMATE TEST!!!! i just see them as a challenge i guess... keeps me going when
    I hold them up to look at!!
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    I have a few pairs of jeans like that, and decided that if I ever got that small again I deserve new jeans anyway.

    My thoughts go that route too!!
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I need to say goodbye to a few myself. I have a few items from when I was 17 and 18 in my drawers. They are from when I weighed between 125 and 130 which was too thin for me. I should get rid of them since I know I cannot be that thin ever again. I don't feel so good physically when I weigh below 135. It was not a healthy size/weight for me. I am glad I at least got rid of the items from when I weighed 115 at age 16. I also have a different body shape now, a lot has changed since then including my body. I am more pear shaped also. I am slowly learning to live with it and accept it, stretch marks and all.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I got rid of just about everything, except for two dresses. I will never fit into them again, and even if I did, they're about 18 years out of style. But I keep them as a reminder of what could be.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    It's more fun to buy new stuff anyway. Out with the old.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    I did this about a month ago...I had to. It was just too discouraging looking at what I used to be and knowing that it will probably never be possible again to be that size...
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I would never do that! 6lbs is not much to loose, you can do it if you want!

    But if you are happy with where you are at, then CONGRATS to you!! Bet that felt liberating! LoL
  • Dwight256
    Dwight256 Posts: 6
    I'm wearing a few shirts and pants I bought when I was 14, though I still weigh about 24 lbs more than my lowest weight at that age. Thank God I wore things baggy back then.
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    Good for you and what an inspiration, I need to do the same thing and after reading your post I'm more encouraged to do so. I too have to realize that I won't ever be the same as I was a decade ago and learn to love it.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I have a pair of jeans from when I weighed about 115 that I know I need to get rid of. My ultimate goal is a size 6 and these are size 3s (junior department *gasp!*)
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Yep. I bought a dress about a month before I found out I was pregnant. I never got to wear it. Because the fabric was so slinky and hugged every curve it showed everything. I tried it on every month for a year after having my daughter....but the extra skin and saggy boobs didn't look good. I finally donated it...I sure hope some woman gave it a good home and wore it often.
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I have a pair of size 5 shorts. I wore them back when I was 110 and no kids. I really don't think I'll fit back into them. My goal is 115 but even if I get to 110 I don't think its happening. I do still have them ..can't get myself to toss them yet...but probably will
  • Nishka09
    Nishka09 Posts: 33
    omg yes - I have a giant plastic bin of gorgeous size 4 (?!?) clothes from, let's see, 7-8 years ago? Back when I ate a plum for lunch and 2 cups of bok choy for dinner. Right now I'd be happy to just get in a size 10.
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I got rid of mine a couple of years ago. They were from when I was 21 years old and 125 lbs . I've come to the realization that I'll probably never wear a Juniors 7 again. My body has changed in the last 9 years. Juniors cut clothes won't fit right even if I manage to get to 125 pounds again.
  • Maredip
    Maredip Posts: 18 Member
    I have a box of clothes in my closet. I've held on to them for the last 5 years. I actually used to have 5 boxes of clothes. I do occasionally go in there, weed through and pull out what I didnt think I would wear, or would not be stylish any longer. A friend of mine had given me about 90 % of them, so i've never worn them, and she had that gastric thing, so they are almost brand new. I had considered getting rid of them, But never did. % years ago, when I got sick again, the steroids made me balloon back up, and the almost 115 lbs I had lost, I gained some of it back. ( I had went from 315, to 205, and then I went back up to 260, and have y-yo'd with that weight for the last almost 5 years now.) Now Im not sick anymore, any the docs have promised of I relapse there will be no more steroids. So no chance of regaining. So its starting to come off. So i still have the box. I keep it as inspiration. I will get there, and beyond. what I really had a hard time with is parting with the clothes Ive hid behind the last 5 years.It goes both ways I think. I think keeping a pair of jeans is fine, as long as its not a pair that is too big just in case.
  • AnaBananaChan
    Hi, I just started my weight-loss journey and I honestly know that I have an unrealistic goal. I have a size 6 dress - I haven't been a size 6 since I was 12. However, with the encouragement of my military father (he just wants me to be more active), that has become my goal. Will I be upset if I don't reach that goal? Not really. If I get back to my 'college-entry' weight, then I think I will be happy.

    I do think being healthy is wonderful, but we do have a stigma here in the US about being this perfect doll. So congratulations to you for making the weightloss journey and being comfortable with the results. You've done great!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I DEFINITELY have a whole pile of clothes 'waiting to be worn'...but I don't know if I am to the point of letting them go good for you!
  • nibblerbigcat
    Kudos to you on your awesome reality check. I too, have saved clothes for that "one day." Not only is it mentally discouraging, but saving things like that makes you feel pressure to get to a size that you might not be comfortable at.

    Much better to reward yourself with brand new clothes once a new day comes. :)
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Some things I have kept..some I have tossed...I have recenlty worn clothes that I had kept BK (before kids ) and BM (Before Marriage) that I have been able to wear...I did get rid of items that did not fit on my body the same as it did when I first wore them.