How to Work Out in the Morning



  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    My gym is a 10 minute walk from my house. I take a short cool shower before walking over, that always makes me wake up and feel human.

    I'm thinking of shaking things up by walking for an hour instead of getting on a machine, or riding a bike. I'm going to go look at a bike for sale today.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Its something you just got to do -- I now get up at 5am everyday and go to Crossfit at 6am and work out for an hour. If I don't go I feel bad about it. Once you start it as a routine you'll enjoy getting up and feeling better throughout the day. Get to bed early as well so you get a good night's sleep.

    Also with my gym - you have to sign up for the class ahead of time so I would feel bad if I didnt show up. But I also go for a morning run on days I dont hit the gym. I also set my alarm away from my bed so i have to get up and I live my shades open on my windows in which the light helps with the serotonin levels.
  • msmandyjo
    msmandyjo Posts: 95 Member
    I'm a SAHM (as if I'm ever home though lol) and don't have time for the gym, i live 40 min from the nearest gym, I'd also need an affordable option for my two kids while I'm working out. Just getting the kids ready to go, the drive there, then work out, shower, and back home would take wa-ay too much time for me. So, I had to look into other options, the gym just doesn't fit into everybody's lifestyle. I get up before them and bust out a workout from home. A minimum of 20 minutes, usually 45 min to an hour. If you have the space, you can look on Craigslist for some equipment (bike, treadmill, elliptical, weight bench etc) or pop in a video you like. I like to switch it up, which it why my times vary

    . Some mornings, it's hard to get motivated, so I'll find a shorter video that I can add on to if I get motivated once I get moving or I jump on the treadmill. I don't know if you've ever heard of the flylady, (she's not fitness related) but she has this motto... "You can do anything for 15 minutes" and I use that motto for just about anything that I think I don't want to do. Just give it 15 minutes, and if I'm ready to stop after 15, I do, but if I'm not (and usually I'm not) then I keep going.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I have a 5 book set called 6 minute mornings. I know you have 6 minutes! lol
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I'm in with the "at home" crowd. I work 2nd shift so getting up early is not the problem for me... it's the motivation. But the other side of the coin is that I won't berate myself for being too lazy to work in 30-45 minutes worth of exercise before work. And, I Get To Eat More! (all the motivation a girl needs!) :smile:
  • nursemom76
    you are an inspiration! Have I ever seen you on a fitness video? keep up the comments, i love reading them! :)))
  • jhunny31
    I use to be able to workout in the mornings. As a matter of fact I tried working out this morning but was too darn tired. I may have to go to sleep an extra hour early because doing 90 mins in the evening is taking up my evening times. I say this, when you do workout in the mornings, at least you got it out the way ;).
  • admanMike
    admanMike Posts: 371 Member
    This is a great topic! Thanks for starting the thread and thanks to everybody who has replied. I am another person who would rather roll over than roll out. I even have my alarm clock on other side of room so i have to get out of bed to turn it off...unfortunately, i often reset the alarm for another 20 minutes of snooze time verses staying up. I have no problems going to gym after work, but want to start doing some partial workout in the morning, ie a video ab workout, so i can shorten my evening routine. I appreciate the great advice and motivation!