I'm back and I'm fat!

onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
We had a great time on vacation, and lots of yummy food. I not only fell off the wagon, but I think I took a running leap to get away from it :ohwell:

I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Dunkin Donuts for breakfast? I'll have three. Soda? Yes please! That's a mighty large serving of pasta! We can't keep our leftovers and I hate to see food go to waste...I better eat it! Mmmm, ice cream! :embarassed:

So, now that I'm home and 4lbs heavier, I REALLY need to hit this HARD! I know you're not supposed to lose more than 1.5 - 2 lbs a week, but it would be PHENOMENAL if I could lose the weight I gained while on vacation this week. I'm certainly not going to kill myself trying, it would just be nice :wink:

So this week, I need all the cheering I can get! I'm not known for my diet dedication or will power, and right now all I can feel is procrastination and dread!! :yawn:

On the plus side, I got to take my kids to see things that some people never get the opportunity to see! The Liberty Bell, The Statue of Liberty, several museums and parks, etc. It was awesome!


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I bet a lot of that 4lbs is probably water and will fall off quick.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    You can do it! I just got back from vacation myself too....I actually lost 1.6 pounds but I ate DQ twice, Whitey's once and had pizza 3 or 4 times..including a wonderful Chicago stuffed crust spinach pizza that was AWESOME! I am hitting the ground running back today in the gym!

    Good luck to you!
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome aboard. Feel free to add me for support if you would like.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I am sure you can do it. Just by eating properly this week and drinking your water will probably drop most (if not all) of those pounds. They are probably mostly water weight from sodium. Good Luck!!
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    I'll be going on vacation in 4 weeks and would be ecstatic if I come back only having gained 4 lbs! I think you did awesomely well :ohwell:
  • lauraparr
    lauraparr Posts: 112
    I agree! I don't think 4lb is a lot to gain after a holiday at all, and because you've been having so much stuff that you normally wouldn't the weight will probably come off quick just by you not eating that stuff! and the most important thing is you had fun!! xx
  • onewarmmomma
    onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks everyone! Is it bad I couldn't wait to get on the scale to see what the damage was?? I was fully expecting a gain, and figured it would be around 5lbs....so 4lbs was kind of a strange victory. LOL!

    I felt so guilty last night that I dreamt Jillian Michaels was chewing me out, then told me how strong her faith was in me. I thought it was pretty funny :laugh:
  • onewarmmomma
    onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member
    Thanks everyone! Is it bad I couldn't wait to get on the scale to see what the damage was?? I was fully expecting a gain, and figured it would be around 5lbs....so 4lbs was kind of a strange victory. LOL!

    I felt so guilty last night that I dreamt Jillian Michaels was chewing me out, then told me how strong her faith was in me. I thought it was pretty funny :laugh:
  • jjgirl76
    jjgirl76 Posts: 68 Member
    I am glad to hear that you had an amazing vacation. With your commitment to get the vacation pounds back off, I am in no doubt that will happen. Have fun at the gym this week. Bye Bye vacation "souvenirs".
  • dodd84
    dodd84 Posts: 9
    Honestly I don't even think a 4lb gain is that bad if you were going for it on the food and drink so hard and I agree with the other comments it'll probably come off quickly!
  • Minou888
    Minou888 Posts: 5
    Hey there!

    I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you, let me tell you why!

    Got back from vacation last Wednesday and I was dreading going back on the scale! We ate so much food while we were away; but had a blast! Anyway, I weigh myself the next day and I see a 6lbs gain! I almost cried!

    It's been about 5 days now, and that 6lbs is pretty much gone. I just went right back into eating healthy and my body just readjusted itself. Most of it, like other people said, was water weight, plus flying has a bad rep to make you retain water massively! And I was also at the end of my cycle, so bloating played a big role in the weight gain too.

    Anyway all this to say, don't worry too much! Just go right back to eating healthy and you will be back on track in no time! Keep up the good work!

    Caroline :)
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    Same thing for me - we were gone for 11 days, ate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much and came back to see a 5 lb gain. Weighed myself again the next day though, and it had dropped 2 pounds overnight - water weight.

    I fully expect most of it to be gone in a week by eating normal again, working out again, etc. I did drop my calories though a bit until the week is up, just to make sure I don't keep over eating, since it was sooo good!
  • onewarmmomma
    onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member
    Very encouraging, Girls...THANKS!!

    I'm drinking my water, but these cursed treats we bought on our stop to Hershey, PA are going to be the death of me!!! LOL
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Welcome back! Glad you had such a wonderful vacation!! Those 4 lbs. are water weight and you will have them off in no time!
  • onewarmmomma
    onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member

    I'm too lazy to start a new topic. LOL!

    I am having the HARDEST time getting back into this after vacation. I've been home for over a week, and have stuck to my healthier eating MAYBE an entire day, and worked out twice since I've been home. Hubs went for a run the other night and I sat on the couch eating ice cream.

    My "Get up and go" must have gotten up and left. HELP!!
  • I think that its always hard to jump back into dieting or exercising whenever you have taken a break... like me and my Zumba I love it, but lately I have noticed that I can't hang like I used to... I mean don't get me wrong I've got a lot of junk in my trunk to shake... but I could hang with the best of them!! At least keep up with the oldies!! And LAST night I found myself out of water, taking breaks to wipe sweat off of my face... and when cool down began I was packing my bag ready to hit the door!! I think that its just natural that you can't jump back into it, but you are strong willed and I bet you will be just fine when you do get back on track!!!
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