Do you know someone like this?



  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I had a friend like that but apparently I'm such a ***** that when they started to gripe about how bad things were I'd just respond politely by saying something like, "if you'd get rid of the cell phone and the cable bill, you wouldn't have to worry so much about it now would you?"

    I was nice about it. :-)
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    This would drive me insane as well...

    I am going to be unemployed in a month. (no unemployment because I was never a "full" time employee). This isn't the first time that I have been unemployed either. Our plan... To cancel cable, cell phone internet (back to flip phone for me!), and I am going to start clipping coupons (again). Why? Because those things are necessities. We don't "need" them... They are luxuries.
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Yes!! I have one friend who is like this.. Her family has always "struggled" yet they had expensive cell phones and fancy cars. We have tracfones and our cars are paid for (they did have cars that were paid for but wanted bigger and better)

    They both work part time and get SSI for their 2 oldest kids. They also get a ton of food stamps each month, presumably she doesn't report something to the FS office because when we first moved here and had no income, we qualified but when hubby started working, we lost them because between that and our sons SSI, we were over. They have TWO part time jobs and TWO SSI payments each month which total more than we have coming in and still qualify so something isn't right there.

    They are the types that do McDonalds OR if they eat at home, they make hotdogs and fries. They NEVER serve fresh foods or hell even frozen. They also get WIC for their 2 year old and get $6 towards produce each month that comes with WIC so there is NO excuse for it.

    We struggle. My husband works full time and I stay home with our kids. We own both our vehicles and have basics as far as cell phones go. We go out to eat once a week, usually to Taco Bell and spend around $15 for the 4 of us. If we do anything else, we have coupons or gift cards to cut the costs. I do some gpt and ptc sites online and while I don't make a ton, I make enough to have a little extras.

    Im sorry for the rant but this stuff pisses me off and Im glad I live nearly 1000 miles from this "friend" lol

    My brother and sister-in-law use WIC for their children. They struggle... I am shocked that they only allot $6.00 a month to fresh produce. I would think that things like milk, veggies, fruit, meat, cereal, etc... are the number one priority. I am not an expert with the system but more should be put into putting healthy foods into children's mouths not junk.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I get angry when people get upset that my husband I aren't planning on having any more children. We have 1 son who is 2 and they keep asking me when we are going to have another and I politely say that we aren't planning anymore as of right now. Then they get all pissy and say that we are selfish not to give our son a sibling.

    But on the other hand you have someone at my work who lives on one income...their wife doesn't work by choice and he only works 3 days one week and 1 day another...which leaves one of the two able to get another job if they need to but they don't. They both complain constantly about money problems and they won't participate in other couple activities because they have no money but they complain when they don't get invited...etc. These people are trying to have more children....

    It's none of my business how many kids anyone wants or has, but I would like people to respect ME when I make a choice that seems RIGHT for my situation!!
  • etaven
    etaven Posts: 25
    I hear you!

    It's definitely cheaper to buy & cook your own food, especially if you look for sales & coupons. The other day I went grocery shopping and the ONLY thing I bought that wasn't on sale or discounted was milk! Spent around $55, and I probably won't have to go for another month at least except for fresh veggies- and the stuff I got is healthy and I can keep track of what I make.

    It's a matter of responsibility, and yeah, there are a lot of people who just don't want to bother with the "effort" that takes!
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    I know EXACTLY what you mean. I know a few like that too and I always think its priceless when they sit and whine about not having any money or anything,or jealous of what you have and I wanna say...HELLO!!!! Get up off your a** and get a job and stop blowing your money retard!
  • catfreak147
    It is a problem here in the UK as well. And I do get annoyed as I work full time and seem to be supporting lifestyles which include provision for cable, cell phones etc which I don't have. When times have been tough for us we've been resourceful, letting out a room in the house, selling stuff on ebay etc
    I agree, it is actually cheaper to cook your own food from scratch and it one is unemployed then preumably there is the time as well.....
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    I'm from the UK, and times can be hard especially when you have a child/children! Everyone goes through hard times at some point. But I have to say, even now, I've going without certain things I class as LUXURIES, just because I can't afford them. It's more important to feed and look after my child than it is to get something like SKY, just because I want to watch TV. Go without, I am!

    Well....All I can say is when you have children, it's all about sacrificing the things you want etc to make a better life for your children. They come FIRST above anything or anyone else.

    That means, providing a stable, loving environment, and meeting their EVERY need, REGARDLESS of your own needs / desires or even how low an income your on. There is ALWAYS a way! No excuses!

    Yes, it's hard, but if you don't try, you're not gonna get anywhere fast. If, anything, it'll carry on or get worse.

    Nuff Said.
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    Yes!! I have one friend who is like this.. Her family has always "struggled" yet they had expensive cell phones and fancy cars. We have tracfones and our cars are paid for (they did have cars that were paid for but wanted bigger and better)

    They both work part time and get SSI for their 2 oldest kids. They also get a ton of food stamps each month, presumably she doesn't report something to the FS office because when we first moved here and had no income, we qualified but when hubby started working, we lost them because between that and our sons SSI, we were over. They have TWO part time jobs and TWO SSI payments each month which total more than we have coming in and still qualify so something isn't right there.

    They are the types that do McDonalds OR if they eat at home, they make hotdogs and fries. They NEVER serve fresh foods or hell even frozen. They also get WIC for their 2 year old and get $6 towards produce each month that comes with WIC so there is NO excuse for it.

    We struggle. My husband works full time and I stay home with our kids. We own both our vehicles and have basics as far as cell phones go. We go out to eat once a week, usually to Taco Bell and spend around $15 for the 4 of us. If we do anything else, we have coupons or gift cards to cut the costs. I do some gpt and ptc sites online and while I don't make a ton, I make enough to have a little extras.

    Im sorry for the rant but this stuff pisses me off and Im glad I live nearly 1000 miles from this "friend" lol

    My brother and sister-in-law use WIC for their children. They struggle... I am shocked that they only allot $6.00 a month to fresh produce. I would think that things like milk, veggies, fruit, meat, cereal, etc... are the number one priority. I am not an expert with the system but more should be put into putting healthy foods into children's mouths not junk.

    6 dollars is definitely nowhere near enough especially depending on how many people are in the house using this 6 dollars. I mean at least they're getting something, but I spend more than 6 dollars A WEEK on stuff that is fresh. I agree they should be putting more into it, i know someone who is using wic, but some of the stuff that comes is specific like what brand, etc. Crazy. It has evolved over time though.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    I actually have friend like that. Sure, she doesn't have kids or husband, but still she kept on spending money here and there, new phones, ridiculous contracts, new laptops, clothes, eating junk food etc. and kept on whining that she didn't have any money. After few years she realized what I was trying to tell her when she got sick and had to rethink her life. I'm sad that she got sick, but glad that something good came out of it :)

    But yeah, my point was that I feel you!