Is anyone else trying to loose weight and not exercising?

Hi, I have been on my fitness for a week now and have lost 5 pounds, which is great. However, I am not exercising at all and I am wondering if I will continue to see these type of results or will there be a "wall" and I will eventually have to start. I know I should be exercising, but right now can not find any motivation or time. Plus, I feel if I can loose the weight without doing it, makes it a whole lot easier for me. I just wanna know if there are people out there that have sustained weight loss without exercise and can continue loosing the weight. Thanks


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Exercise in itself won't really help you lose more weight. But it'll make you look and feel a lot better when you do lose it.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    No matter what, I doubt you'll see sustained results of 5 lbs per week. Heck, it's nearly impossible for anyone to even sustain 2 lbs a week. Maybe in the beginning, but it will slow as you get closer to goal.

    As for not exercising, sure, you might lose some weight, even a lot of weight, without it. But eventually, you're going to need to find the time. Losing weight is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. I feel your pain about motivation. I can't stand to sweat, which makes exercise a chore. But I'm an adult. There are a lot of things I don't like to do. But I have to, so I make myself, kinda like you would a child eating her vegetables. Exercise is one of them.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    I lost weight in the first few weeks without exercise, however my weightloss slowed down so I felt it was time to up the ante. If it works without then keep going, I envy you, lol!!! But maybe start once the weightloss slows down.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I hit a wall while exercising for awhile and right now I have a burn on my arm from work so I haven't been exercising and I've lost 4 lbs since Wednesday. It is possible to lose some weight, but you will probably hit a wall when you get closer to your goal weight. Also, being healthy isn't just about being thin but being fit. Maybe try walking a few miles a day just so its something :) Good luck!
  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey there! I've lost almost 22lbs and have done it by changing my diet completely! I was a vegetarian for 15.5 years and started using this site to lose weight. UGH the stuff I use to eat. So gross! So I became a vegan about 2 months ago and the weight keeps coming off! I now find it hard to eat 1200 calories whereas before it was like 1200 calories, that's it? But I do garden a little bit every day so that burns some calories too. Eat your fruits and veggies! Good luck! :)
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    When I started I didn't exercise because I needed to focus on changing ONE thing at a time and the food had to come first. I had about 83lbs to lose when I started, I lost big the first couple weeks, but after that it tapers off to the average 1-2lbs a week.

    I added in exercise after about a month because it's not just about losing weight but being healthy. Plus the more you work out the more you get to eat and I really do enjoy food.
  • susyseq
    susyseq Posts: 94
    I did weight watchers about 4 years ago, lost 26 lbs and never workout at all.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    losing without exercise does nothing for your heart & lungs, not to mention your core muscles which hold you upright. So you can be thin, bent over, huffing & puffing up a flight of stairs but look really good in your size 2 dress in your coffin at 65
    Your call
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm currently unable to exercise much and I've lost 16 lbs in the past 6 weeks (i spent 4 of those weeks on crutches and the couch) i think once you start seeing the weight come off you will feel more motivated to exercise...I'm wanting to exercise now but my knee is keeping me from it. Feel free to add me for extra support and motivation
  • fat2fab4life
    fat2fab4life Posts: 253 Member
    I stopped exercising for a bit and actually lost weight. exercising helps the inches to come off and you look a bit better so I am doing weeks where i actually exercise and some where I don't
  • evilbanks
    evilbanks Posts: 166
    I bet if you tried to find some type of sport that you really enjoy doing, you'd come to love movement and exercise. The endorphin release from a good solid workout is borderline euphoric. Might I suggest mountain biking? Good luck in all...............
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Exercise is just as important as a healthy diet. Cardio strengthens your heart and balances your blood sugar levels and helps to relieve stress. Also, physical activity can make you feel younger.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I totally agree with you, sometimes I dont feel like exercising but, the results are so worth it! Last year i dropped 15 lbs. and toned up so I am familiar with how exercise is diets "sidekick" Having 4 kids sometimes distacts you from working out , so I work out at 1am !!! but you are always glad you did. I also lost 5 lbs. my first week, from here its gonna be more like a pound a week give or take.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You can lose weight without exercising. But you will not be as firm and will have to eat a lot less.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I bet if you tried to find some type of sport that you really enjoy doing, you'd come to love movement and exercise. The endorphin release from a good solid workout is borderline euphoric. Might I suggest mountain biking? Good luck in all...............

    Good idea. That way you don't notice you're working out so it doesn't feel like a chore. But I suggest exercise in conjunction with eating clean or.. cleaner. You have to move your bahdee.
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    You don't *have* to exercise to lose weight, but in the end you'll look better and be fitter which makes it a good thing to do. Plus, you get to eat more! That makes it a no-brainer for me.

    I'm still about 20-odd pounds overweight, but I'm in better shape, fitter and look better than I did when I was 9st (about 126 pounds). Then I was definitely 'skinny-fat', I still had a very jiggly body and I couldn't run to save my life.

    This time it's different, I can run (only a mile, but I'm so proud of myself) and my body is really toning and getting a nice shape - that's all down to the exercise.

    But that doesn't mean you have to start exercising right now - change one thing at a time, maybe down the line when you've lost some more and you have increased energy you might want to do some walking or (my favourite) the 30 Day Shred...

    For now, just be proud that you've made a beginning. :flowerforyou:
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member

    The above is a great site about body fat percentages, and you can see that having a lower body fat (something you can REALLY only get through exercise and weight training) than just being "skinny".

    160lbs toned always looks better than 150 lbs flabby ;)
  • vicki915
    vicki915 Posts: 38 Member
    For me when I see how much exercise I have to do to burn a certain amount of calories, it has totally changed how I eat. Once I see how many calories are in something like a large glazed donut (310), and I know how much effort I have put into my exercise, it's just not worth it. Its easier to not be as tempted with easy to reach junk food. I also agree with others that exercise is important if you want a tone body. I have several friends that have lost a mass amount of weight, but are still unhappy with their bodys appearance because they didnt exercise to tone while losing weight. Start off slow, I have. Good Luck, You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    losing without exercise does nothing for your heart & lungs, not to mention your core muscles which hold you upright. So you can be thin, bent over, huffing & puffing up a flight of stairs but look really good in your size 2 dress in your coffin at 65
    Your call

    Gosh, that's a little harsh!

    Anyway, I have never tried to lose weight without exercise because I feel that the two go hand-in-hand - healthy eating and exercising. I don't know if I would lose any without exercise, I guess I would if I ate a LOT better, but I don't think it would be as much, and I would find it harder to be that strict with my food than I do to just go to the gym.

    I would recommend finding the time/ motivation if you can. You will feel so good about yourself if you do :)
  • Maria_81
    Maria_81 Posts: 152
    From my experience, losing weight without exercise isn't sustainable over time. If anything you'll end up at the same weight once the free fall is over and this is extremely frustrating. I assume what's happening now, you're eating better which includes a diet in lower calorie foods. Your body is responding and the weight is coming off naturally. At some point you will hit rock bottom, and the weight loss will slow down or stop all together. That may work for you, but I wasn't happy with my end weight, so exercise is a must. Besides cardio has so many other benefits that you'll miss out on if you avoid it.