Taking Control of My Health and Weight

sevenbesideyou Posts: 2
edited 7:29AM in Introduce Yourself
Good morning.

I am currently 6'3" and 327 pounds. This is actually less than the near 400 i was a couple years ago. However, I have been this weight for a little while now and decided last week to take charge and start doing something about it.

I started to use this site and maintain an intake of 1800 calories, not including daily exercise. I have been averaging about 1600 calories a day and when I ride the elliptical for about 35 minutes, it calculates over 600 calories lost. I am doing my best to avoid high carb foods and have been eating more meat, nuts and protein. I am not a vegetable person, but am trying to change that. I am now also taking a multi-vitamin. I changed the way I eat and exercise drastically and when i weight myself today, I am a pound and a half more than I was last week. However, I did drink a couple glasses of water before I was weighed.

I was kind of discouraged because I thought maybe I would be a pound and a half less, but I was told that I probably shocked my body and that I should give it more time. I am actually not minding the daily exercise and the healthier food intake, but am I doing the right thing?

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.




  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Hello and Good morning,
    One thing about weigh in's.. they're never predictable..
    But my hubby is 300 and was told to eat 2000 calories.. are u eating enough?
    In two months he's loss 30 pounds.. and the more he eats he more he losses.. because hes not in "starvation mode"
    Why not go back and check if thats the right amout of calories for you..

    As a person who was in "starvation mode" .. grrr.. I was stuck in the same weight for 2 weeks even though I swam, walked and rode bike like a crazy person!!!

    Now that I'm eating more I've lost 3 pounds in the last 3 days..

    Just check.. you never know what might help you lose again. :happy:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    How long have you been working on this? A week is nothing, you need to stick with your program for a month and then see where the trend is going. Onesie-twosie pounds don't mean much of anything.

    A nice big 16oz tumbler of water weighs a pound. If you weigh in, and then drink that water, and then weigh again you'll find that you've "Gained" a pound. Wow. For an accurate measure you need to weigh yourself at the same time and in the same body state every time. I do my weighins on Friday morning, after bathroom before breakfast. Same time every time. This helps.

    Stick with it, it'll come.
  • snobuni08
    snobuni08 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm by no means a doc. but it sounds to me that you are doing things the right way. How do you feel. You should slowly start to feel that you have more energy and better over all mood. Also, I know weight is important but you have to also keep in mind how your clothes fit. Also, how many calories were you eating on a daily basis before cutting down to the 1600-1800? If there is a drastic difference your body could be in shock and temporarily holding on to calories to offset starvation. If this is the case give is a little more time and once your body realizes that you are feeding it on a regular basis it will begin to let go more and more. I hope this helps.. Good Luck!!!
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    For my weigh ins I try to make sure I'm consistant every week. Normally I weigh in right after I wake up and empty my bladder. Drinking water before your weigh in can definitely cause the scale to go up.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Don't feel discouraged. You sound like you are doing great. I can't see your diary since it isn't public, so I can't comment on what you are actually eating.....but personally, if I don't get enough greens in I weigh more the following day. Also, if I don't drink MORE than 8 glasses a day, then I am bloated the following day....so I try an get at least 10 in. Also, a trick that I like telling people about is zig zagging your calories....it basically tricks your body into not plateauing or breaking a plateau. You can go to www.freedieting.com to get what you should eat each day...there's high calorie days and low calorie days...
  • Thanks for the encouragement, everybody. It really only has been a week and I now realize that I should give it more time before I see what's working and what isn't. I need to learn to stay away from unhealthy calories too, because even though I am limiting myself in carbs, the ones I would eat included like a serving of reduced fat wheat thins or baked doritos. And I would measure it out on a food scale as well, not just grab the bag and go to town, like I used to do. ;)

    My brother did warn me that in the first week or so I might gain weight because my body was going to be shocked, but I just spoke with him and he said everything you all did... To make sure I'm eating enough and to eat smaller portions, but more times throughout the day.

    I will say though, I am feeling much better with this change and with the exercise and my clothes are already feeling better. I am almost near having to cut another hole in my belt. :) My boss told me here that she can tell I've lost weight since I started this job, and I only started in mid-May. I had already adopted a portion control diet and what not, but now I'm actually starting to exercise again and counting my calories. I figure if I give it more time, I will see results... as the most important thing is feeling them, and I can say, I already am.

    Thanks guys for your support and feedback, you rock!


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