No success :(

Ok, I hate to be a downer but I'm starting to really feel defeated! I've been watching and logging my food intake and working out pretty consistently since July 4th and as of today I have gained 1.2lbs! I'm 5'3" and I weight 154.2 right now. Now I know muscle weighs more but I have done more the past month than I have in a long time so shouldn't I at least see a .5lb loss?? ugh! It's sooo depressing! I am on meds for anxiety which makes it harder to lose (not to mention caused me to gain 15lbs in the first place) but I have done circuit training and upped my cardio to help jump start it and still ....nothing! the ONLY thing I can say is I know I don't get a ton of water in each day. Other than that I've had a few slips in food but nothing major. Has anyone else had these issues? I read the success stories every day to help motivate me but I'm just starting to think this is never going to happen. I feel like at this rate I'll be over 200lbs in a year! :-( sorry, just a depressing day for me.


  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Muscle does not weigh more than fact it weighs the same. The difference is that muscle is more compact and it takes up less space (that make sense? - lol)

    I suggest that you take your measurements and judge by how your clothes fit you.

    I also get frustrated after watching my intake, exercising and still the scale doesn't move. Then I put on the jeans that I tried on the week before and they fit better and are loose. So I know that I am losing inches and not pounds.

    Also you may need to shock your system. Eat differently and change up your work out routine. Good luck to you! Don't give up!!! :)
  • huizenm
    huizenm Posts: 74 Member
    I feel your pain! I just had a very frustrating meeting with my trainer at the gym. Haven't lost any weight in 3 months and all my measurements are pretty much the same - after 3 months! It's frustrating! But if you won't give up, I won't give up! We can do this together. I am 100% committing myself to this. You can do this!!
  • aallen8599
    aallen8599 Posts: 73
    Thanks to you both and I'm not going to give up. The last thing I want is for it to get "worse"! I'm going to continue with Jillian's 30DS for the full 30 days and see what the end result is. My measurements haven't changed either so far but I'm going to try to up my water intake-something I'm lacking in-(blah) and stay on track with the exercise and see what happens. It's worth at least 30 days!
  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    Although weight loss is important so is strengthening your heart and making sure your health numbers (cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure, heart rate are in a good place. So every day you exercise and eat right you’re doing something for yourself. Remember you have been going at it for just about 3 weeks so there is always a plateau you just have to know when it comes and be able to work through it. Star made some great points about the almighty scale it can do more harm than good sometimes if you are on the scale too often. And changing your work out may just do the trick for you. But by all means DO NOT GIVE UP, stay in motion this is a great place for support
  • aallen8599
    aallen8599 Posts: 73
    You are definitely right on doing it for health, not just for weight. I have to say that any time I go to the doc., my BP, sugar levels, and everything else are great, so that must mean something..Before when I've wanted to lose weight, I would have to work hard, but I saw results. Ever since I"ve been on anxiety meds, that's not been the case. The doctor said it is possible, it's just harder when you are on a medication like that. She suggested circuit training so that's what I'm going to do, plus some treadmill and yoga to mix things up.

    I know I'm probably being impatient. You are right, it's only been 3 weeks. I guess it just feels longer because I've wanted results a lot longer! :) Plus I think I expected the weight to drop off since I was finally logging my food. I'm one of those people who build muscle and bulk up if I'm not careful, esp. in the leg area. :( I'm not giving up though, I'm going to give myself more time. And thanks to everyone for the advice, I need the support!!