Any other cavemen out there?! Paleo-friendly.

Okay, so I've tried every diet in the book and my latest trend is the "Paleolithic" diet. Now I'm not one to jump on the "carb-free" bandwagon because that's counter productive (your body needs carbs and not eating them will just leave you teetering on the edge of a horrible binge) but the Paleo diet has got a pretty good concept behind it. It's been two months now (with the VERY occasional "cheat") and I'm definitely seeing a difference in the level of body fat hanging out around my arms and mid-section.

The idea? Eat like a caveman.

I realize this sounds ridiculous because our paleolithic ancestors only lived to be 25 at best and beat each other over the head with sticks. That said, they didn't die of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, or any other "modern" diseases. So the idea is that you eat a diet that consists of mostly protien and natural, healthy fats plus fruits & veggies to carry over your body needs for carbohydrates. Throw in some nuts and berries and you have a very simple plan for eating.

Easier said that done.

The issue is almost always eating out. It's simple to prepare a delicious meal at home using sauces, spices, and whatever else (c'mon, all the meat and fat on the diet will defiinitely keep your tummy full and your spirit happy), but avoiding a rice pilaf, chips & queso, or garlic bread is a little on the tough side.

My advice? Sit on your hands.

During the "appetizer" portion of a meal, I almost literally "sit on my hands" because for me, it's easier to have none than it is to have a little (I'm the type who starts with one "little" piece of the bread loaf and have the entire thing scarfed down within 10 minutes, albiet one "little" piece after another). Then I search for starch-free entrees or ask them to hold whatever starch comes with the meal.

So what I'm wondering is: are their any other "cavemen" out there in the myfitnesspal world? And do you guys have any other tips or tricks for this ol' girl?


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    It works for the man I'm dating...I eat fairly clean, but I'm a vegetarian. I think it depends on everyones efforts and if they can stick with it. Hell, yesterday my 'boytoy' ate Subway with chips...not paleo at all...but a minor cheat and a rare one. It works for him and that's okay. Just keep with it and find like minded people!. :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Just saw a status from "msbanana" who's starting it again too. Hit her up! She's awesome.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I'm really intrigued by Paleo eating, but I just don't know if I am ready for that challenge at this point! We like carbs in my house!
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    That said, they didn't die of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, or any other "modern" diseases. So the idea is that you eat a diet that consists of mostly protien and natural, healthy fats plus fruits & veggies to carry over your body needs for carbohydrates. Throw in some nuts and berries and you have a very simple plan for eating.

    Diseases come from unsanitary condition of animals and the crap they pump into and onto our food. Furthermore, the preservative, fake sugars, and God only KNOOOOOWS what else they let "slide by"... do you know every food product is ALLOWED to to have a small amount of bug/rat waste or BAD bacteris in it... WHAT??? What is WRONG with people!?!?! Who went into a meeting and said, "ok... what the percentage of disgusting bacteria are we going to consider acceptable?" Don't even get me started...

    Anywho, the paleolithic "way" (not diet - i hate that word!!) sounds like its worth looking into... Thansk for the post! lookig forward to responses!
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm really intrigued by Paleo eating, but I just don't know if I am ready for that challenge at this point! We like carbs in my house!

    I'm with you! MMMMMM PASTA!!! (I use whole grain now though...)
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    >I realize this sounds ridiculous because our paleolithic ancestors only lived to be 25 at best and beat each other over the head with sticks. That said, they didn't die of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, or any other "modern" diseases. <

    I'm not against the diet. I know nothing about it.

    However, I'm not so sure that this claim can honestly be made. How would we know?
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'm really intrigued by Paleo eating, but I just don't know if I am ready for that challenge at this point! We like carbs in my house!

    I'm with you! MMMMMM PASTA!!! (I use whole grain now though...)

    Yeah same here. I won't give up carbs but I'm definitely eating ONLY Whole Wheat/grain anything I put in my mouth at home. If the restaurant carries it I will also order it. :) Seems great so far!
  • >I realize this sounds ridiculous because our paleolithic ancestors only lived to be 25 at best and beat each other over the head with sticks. That said, they didn't die of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, or any other "modern" diseases. <

    I'm not against the diet. I know nothing about it.

    However, I'm not so sure that this claim can honestly be made. How would we know?

    Very good point! I suppose we don't know for sure, but I would assume that this is the case since forensics thinks most of their remaining skeletons seem to have died from blunt force trauma.
  • I read about this in the New York Times a week or so ago and have been wanting to try it...let me know if you start a group or something! I'm obviously a newbie but I'm good at motivation!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    >I realize this sounds ridiculous because our paleolithic ancestors only lived to be 25 at best and beat each other over the head with sticks. That said, they didn't die of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, or any other "modern" diseases. <

    I'm not against the diet. I know nothing about it.

    However, I'm not so sure that this claim can honestly be made. How would we know?

    Very good point! I suppose we don't know for sure, but I would assume that this is the case since forensics thinks most of their remaining skeletons seem to have died from blunt force trauma.

    Yeah, that's the problem with fossils/remains and stuff from so long ago. Very little of it actually lasts to the point it can be tested. Blunt force trauma is perhaps a little easier to detect in such aged remains than would the results of a heart attack, stroke or cancer(soft tissue kind of stuff).

    That being said, the diet sounds interesting.