Here I go Again!

onedot49 Posts: 42 Member
:happy: I just joined this site a few weeks ago and love the diary and tracking. I am just starting to check out the community part. I have been dieting all of my adult life and hope at age 62 to finally get it together to be a happier person, inside and out. Would love to hear from anyone especially those with serious food addictions as I am finally able to admit that has been my big problem in my life. Have a great day!


  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Welcome! and best of luck! :smile:
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    I will always be a compulsive eater. But I've learned to live with it. I don't keep "bad" foods in the house, but I do allow myself a treat day at least once a week or so.

    I try to eat healthy whole foods, so I don't feel the occasional sugary fatty treat does me any harm. It's all balance.

    Good luck! I think you should be so proud of yourself!
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Good luck...I know at the age of 34 I can tell anyone how to eat properly (after all I have read so many darned articles on it I could probably recite half of them) but I still have problems with food!! Slow and steady is my new motto and if I screw up along the way then I will pick myself up and dust myself off and get back on the wagon!!
  • steff1039
    steff1039 Posts: 2
    I can totally relate to being a food addict...SWEETS are my nemesis! I have learned that food is the most reliable method of comfort for me, especially when I'm feeling down about things. And though I have not found another outlet to pour my frustration into; I am hopeful that exercise will soon be the substitute as I become more! Here's to each new day to Try, Try again!