Hello All, Today is a new beginning !

Hello, I am new to MFP and I am so ready to lose this weight I have put on the past year. I am 23 years old and am engaged to be married in a little under 3 mons from today. My wish is to look beautiful on my wedding day and feel great about my body. I enjoy working out and running, I just have had a hard time finding the time now that I am out of college and working a full time job. My fiancé gives me great support, but I figured this support would help me out even more. Words of wisdom and encouragement are always welcome. Add me to your friends and I will help you in any way I can. :happy:

Good Luck to everyone,


  • ScoutMom1
    ScoutMom1 Posts: 57
    Welcome and luck to you. I found this site last year, but just now finally taking it seriously. I will be happy to add you as a friend...thanks!!