I am new

Hello I am a newbie and looking for some friends to help motivate me. I have a one year old son, a full time job, husband & a home to try & keep clean. I don't have much time to myself. I started this several weeks ago & have already lost 15pounds & it feels great. It is teaching me how to eat healthy - I had no idea how many calories were in somethings. My biggest downfall is a can of soda - I would drink them all the time thinking - it is a liquid can't be too bad... wrong!! No I am on green tea & feeling great (although I do have a Pepsi now & again). I am hoping to find some friends to help keep me motivated & who I can cheer on. Thanks, Jenny


  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    Wow! That's great you lost 15 lbs! Welcome to MFP! I started July 11 and I have to say, this website is addictive because the people on here are so supportive! Feel free to friend me! I look forward to supporting you so we can stay on track!
  • maygs
    maygs Posts: 63 Member
    I am on the same boat as you and I just found this website a few days ago but I am in love because I see everything. There are things that I was unaware of..for me its pasta...how bad can it be right? Well yesterday I found out but with this website its okay because I see that even though I had a small bump I can't do it all the time. I would like to welcome you to this site and yes the people here really motivate you!
  • ireney926
    ireney926 Posts: 19
    Congradulations on your 15 lbs weight lost! I just started and am looking for some friends who will be able to support and motivate me, feel free to friend me. :)
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome Jenny!!! This site is great, I find it to be soo helpful. Let me know if I can help with anything. Add me if you like, good luck
  • waterlily
    waterlily Posts: 55 Member
    Way to go on your 15 Lbs loss!! Great job!! Keep up the good work!!