10lbs in a month???



  • workoutqueenof2011
    So....What is everyone doing to lose the 10 lbs?? I'm doing zumba, and hoping that it pays off!!! :) Some people see ten pounds as no big deal, but to me that would be WONDERFUL!!!
  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    Ok, not sure if this is the right place - but never mind.

    Starting weight - 159lb - 27/07/11

    Goal weight - 149lb - 31/08/11
  • LCardo24
    LCardo24 Posts: 56
    Here goes:

    SW: 143 on 07/27/11
    GW: 133 on 08/31/11

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    SW:156 on 7/27/11
    GW:146 on 8/31/11
    Next GW: 136 9/30/11
  • rainyday99
    rainyday99 Posts: 27
    SW: 233 on 7/27/11
    1st GW: 223 on 8/31/11
    2nd GW: 213 9/30/11
    3rd GW: 203 10/31/11

    Trying to get into "One" derland before thanks giving... :)
    Today is my birthday; so its a good day to start!!
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!

    SW 185
    1st GW 175
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    Im going to check in with the people who do not post on here tomorrow so let me know if you weighed yourself to start!!! :)
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    SW: 233 on 7/27/11
    1st GW: 223 on 8/31/11
    2nd GW: 213 9/30/11
    3rd GW: 203 10/31/11

    Trying to get into "One" derland before thanks giving... :)
    Today is my birthday; so its a good day to start!!

    Happy Birthday!!! (I dont know how to comment on your post so trying this)
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm looking to lose 10 more before I go back to school! :D

    Did you weigh in to get your starting weight????
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    Ok the replies arent doing what I want them to do... how do I reply to a specific persons post? Or maybe I cant..... I want it to message back to that person. Help! :)
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    Here's my weight:

    SW (25 July) 195
    1GW (31 Aug) 185
    GW (31 Dec) 165

    Just had baby #2 in March and can't wait to be back in shape!
  • ek724q
    ek724q Posts: 95 Member
    Ok, I get it now. LOL

    SW: July 27th Wednesday 224.6
    1st GW: Aug 31st Wednesday 214.6
    2nd GW: Sep 28th Wednesday 204.6
    3rd GW: Oct 26th Wednesday 194.6

    I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength!!!
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    I'd like to join if this is still open:)
  • joyw37
    joyw37 Posts: 38
    sorry late:)

    sw: 280 (7-27)
    gw: 270 (8-31)
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    Hope you guys are keeping track! We are in week one! So log your weight!!!!! :)
    SW: 185
    Loss Week 1: 2.7
  • rainyday99
    SW: 233 on 7/27/11
    1st GW: 223 on 8/31/11
    2nd GW: 213 9/30/11
    3rd GW: 203 10/31/11

    Trying to get into "One" derland before thanks giving... :)
    Today is my birthday; so its a good day to start!!

    Week one weigh in - 231 ( down 2 lbs since the start :) ):smile:
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    Sorry late, cos we were moving house but my stats for last week are:

    SW 07/06/2011 : 213.4 - 96.8 kgs
    CW 28/07/2011 : 196.0 - 88.9 kgs
    GW 05/01/2012 : 143.3 - 65 kgs

  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    Starting weight - 159lb - 27/07/11

    Week one - 156lb - 03/08/11 (3lb loss) :)

    Goal weight - 149lb - 31/08/11

    Next Goal - 140lb - 30/09/11
  • ParadiseSkye
    Starting Weight: 179.2

    Week 1 Weight: 177.4................Week 1 Loss: 1.8 lbs..............Total Loss: 1.8 lbs
  • LCardo24
    LCardo24 Posts: 56
    Start weight: 143
    Week 1 Weight: 142
    Week 1 Loss: 1 lb
    Total Loss: 1 lb
    Goal Weight (8/31): 133

    I need to step it up! Hope you all had a better week.