First Half-Marathon! Tips?

Hey everybody,

I just officially signed up for my first half-marathon! I'm probably unnecessarily excited, but I feel like this is a good goal to keep me on track and help me finally lose some of the weight I've been struggling with for some time now. It's on October 9th of this year. Has anyone else done a half and have any tips and tricks for training and/or race day?



  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    That's AWESOME and totally deserves excitement!!!
    Idk how much you already run, but I hope you're using the right shoes.
    Also, as you start running more, be careful not to increase your mileage by more than 10% a week so you don't injure yourself!
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    I've done 2 and I am signed up to do 3 more through January... The things I have found most important are to make sure you train, train, train and make sure you have a really good pair of running shoes that you get fitted for... none of those $20 walmart shoes! It is amazing how much of a difference a really good pair of running shoes that are fit for the way you run can have on your joints and bones!
  • ksmarathon2010
    You can find a training schedule online. You should probably start training now. I was very excited when I signed up for my first half. I am a walker and since the first half I have probaly done 10 more halfs and 2 fulls. I am training now to do a half in September, October (the 9th actually), and November. Good Luck!
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    My brother is running the 1/2 marathon this year in Illinois as well, for the first time. He has gotten a full training guilde from off line, this makes it easier to train the guide gives step by step instructions. I believe he got this information from the same site in which he signed up to run the marathon.
  • ajdx5
    ajdx5 Posts: 8
    I've done 2 and I am signed up to do 3 more through January... The things I have found most important are to make sure you train, train, train and make sure you have a really good pair of running shoes that you get fitted for... none of those $20 walmart shoes! It is amazing how much of a difference a really good pair of running shoes that are fit for the way you run can have on your joints and bones!

    all of this - & make sure you get your long runs in - I've run a half dozen or so & am training for a's no big deal to miss a weekday run, but try not to miss the weekly long one. :) Also, don't try anything new the night before or on race day morning...decide if & what works best for your tummy in training. (Me - I can't eat before a long run or I get awful cramps, so I make do with endurolytes, water & gu when I'm out running)
  • delherts
    delherts Posts: 7
    I have done about 25 half marathons and 2 London Marathons in my running tip is hydration! u can easily get dehydrated and this will cause you to tire very early on in a long race. Make sure you do one long run a week: 2 hours doesnt matter what speed you run, this is to help your body accustom to working hard for this length of time! has some great tips and advice

    my last tip: HAVE FUN!! :)
  • Natasha233
    Natasha233 Posts: 48 Member
    In addition to the water and the training. Please remember to "carb up" the day before the run or you will be completely out of energy for the day of the race. Also, make sure that you buy a great pair of shoes (at least $100 +) and have them fitted by someone who knows what they're doing. Most of the very good fitters will have you run on a treadmill or they will watch you run outside etc. And while we are on the topic - be sure to purchase a good running outfit. Buy either the dry-wick technology and go for longer shorts or pants if you have larger legs. Those tiny shorts look hot, but they don't feel so hot at mile 11 when you are chaffing. Good luck!