
... Newbie at this website but also a newbie at dieting.

I've got until April to do as much damage to this waistline as possible!!

Wish me luck



  • changeisgood55
    Welcome and good luck!
  • jomernick
    jomernick Posts: 2
    Welcome aboard.. I have till May so let's wish each other LUCK!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    good luck!! add me as a friend if you would like!
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome!!! You can add me if you like as a friend! April is far away I am confident for you that you will do TONS of damage to it!
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    Welcome and have fun on your journey. I started seven months ago and did it slow and easy now 28 pounds lighter and a few inches gone and it has been staying off. I changed my eating habits, cut out bread and a lot of sweets however have a treat every now and then. Exercise every day, walk on the tread mill for 15 minutes each morning and an hour with the dogs in the evening. I worked on trying to shred 2 pounds a week and to the most part it was successful, but many weeks with out a move on the scales so don't get discouraged. As a good friend tells me often, even if I don't lose I am exercising my heart and lungs and they love me for it. Cheering you onto success !
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • louiseyanne
    Oh I didn't think i'd have replies already !

    I'm starting to feel really excited about it. Filled out my food diary and yes, looking at it, it wasn't the best start.

    Now I know what i'm aiming for I want to do it!