Water Retention! HELP

It's been a week already and I expected to have lost at least one pound. However, not the case! I didn't lose anything! I have been drinking loads of water and looked at myself in the mirror the other day and I look a little bloated. I think I have some water retention and I would ike to know how I can solve this? What are some of your remedies?


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Track your sodium. Cut out soda.
  • hellhammer
    hellhammer Posts: 45
    Well first of all you gotta cut on salt for sure its the biggest water retention cause, and also dont be afraid to drink water drink plenty its the only other way to get rid of water retention , if you dont drink enough water your body tries to store it and cause retention, and a week is short wait another week youre gonna see results
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Drinking alot of water will help. You can also try water rich foods like watermelon, honeydew & cantelope, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc... Cutting back on high sodium foods will help. Start checking nutrition labels - high amounts of sodium are found in many foods you wouldn't expect. My hubby & daughter think I'm a member of the sodium police when we go grocery shopping. I check the labels on everything!!

    If water retention is causing swollen ankles - try lounging about with your feel higher than your heart. My OB'Gyn suggested this when I was "expecting" and had swollen ankles :) It does help!!