NEWBIE HERE!! Fixed on a fitter future =)

I'm a stay at home wife and mother with two witty kids - 2 and 4. All my energy goes into my family and their needs so I've decided to attempt at taking a closer look at what I need. With that said today marks 5 days that I've started logging/managing my food intake. While an exhausting process, I find it shocking how easy it is to overeat. I'm hoping to fnd some new friends and accountability partners through this site. Time to cut the FAT!!!



  • tkirkes
    tkirkes Posts: 121
    Good Luck on your journey Hope you reach your goals, the support on here has been great for myself so far!!!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Welcome, feel free to add me if you want. :)
  • welcome
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    I too am a stay at home wife and mother to 2 children aged 2 and 4 years old. I started losing weight again 3 1/2 weeks ago and have lost 1 stone so far (9lbs since finding mfp). Friend me if youwant to. Good luck on your weight loss. Sarah
  • terrie98
    terrie98 Posts: 49
    Welcome and good luck!