
I made a couple of bad food choices today, and now I'm down 500 calories and that doesn't even include dinner! What can I eat for dinner without starving myself and how can I make up those calories? Should I do a heavy workout today and tomorrow or is there some sort of ridiculous workout I can do tonight that will fix it?


  • Have a big salad. My dinner is usually a salad with caesar dressing, feta cheese, and real bacon bits. It logs in at under 300 cals with full fat caesar.
  • Don't sweat it too much. Tomorrow's a new day.
  • I did the same - hubby came in with a bag of chippy chips for me and I ended up eating the lot (after i'd already had lunch). Was shocked when I saw that a portion of chips came up at almost 1000 calories alone !!!

    I had some gluten free pasta with vegan pesto.

    I did some gardening tonight, which gave me some extra 'exercise calories' at at moment i'm sitting at 5 cals under my limit, including the exercise calories.

    Normally i eat some oat cereal at bedtime - but not sure whether to have it tonight, and avoid the extra calories.

    Ive tried not to beat myself up too much about eating the chips ... and will just need to be more strict with myself tomorrow, and rest of week. xxx
  • I 2nd the salad idea. I like to make a salad with salsa as a dressing, and chopped chicken breast or tuna or refried beans. Its filling and the spice from the salsa adds to the satiety of the salad.

    4 or more cups of romaine lettuce (20 calories or so)
    lots of baby carrots (30-70 calories)
    1/4 cup of salsa (20 calories)
    1/2c of refried beans is (100 calories) or Chicken about 4 oz (120 calories) or 1 can of tuna (100 calories)

    With that you could have a snack like a filling apple or orange or toss some cheese on your salad!

    Good luck! You can do it!!!! 500 is plenty!
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    turkey and fish have the lowest calorie content per oz. i suggest one of those. And they are delicious! Have some steamed or friend veggies on the side. Asparagus? zucchini? tomato? all very dee-lish and low calorie!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I love the salad idea! If you add a hardboiled egg or two, that can be more filling.

    I've sometimes eaten a small container of plain hummus and one or two pitas for a meal. It's not terribly high in calories.

    What about a veggie omlette with some toast?
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    A nice, fat boneless/skinless chicken breast is only about 200 calories. Throw one of those on the grill, steam up some veggies (You can have about 4 cups of broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, squash for around 100 calories.) and add a small serving of pasta or potatoes. Go for a nice 30 minute walk after dinner, and you have enough calories left over for desert! :)
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    Solution: Increase your workout!

    Yesterday, after I mowed my lawn, in the mid-day heat, I knew I had burned some serious calories. It nearly killed me to go to the gym, but I did. I walked on the treadmill (leisurely pace), did 15 minutes of resistent training and 30 situps. I rewarded myself by sitting in the gym's jacuzzi (had it all to myself :tongue: ). It took all my strength to shower, dress and head for home. I entered my day's exercise, including the mowing. Here's the big pay off: A four-pound loss!
  • ckenning
    ckenning Posts: 71
    One thing that works well for me is to plan out my meals and snacks on MFP right away in the morning. For some reason, writing it down makes me stay on course for the day. It also makes it easier to plan out supper with what calories I have left. Being a mother of four and working full time...I need to stick to a schedule to fit everything in:)
  • Just eat a normal nutritious meal. Tomorrow's another day!