new here; and looking for others in their 40's :) :)



  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    I turned 50 in January. I have done things in the last 7 months that I had never done in my life. Ran 5 miles in 48 minutes, ran 10 miles in 1:55:50, did a mini triathlon, going to do a 102.6 mile bike endurance race in August. This site has helped me to lose 32 pounds since 29 Apr 11 and a total of 70 overall since I turned 50 on the 24th of January.

    Lots of great people on here who provide motivation, support, and encouragment. Welcome, I am sure you will love it here. Good Luck!

  • kjpollard
    kjpollard Posts: 68
    I'll be 40 in Nov, do I qualify? ;)

    I'm getting baby weight off (youngest will be 1 on Sat), and it's not as easy as when I was 29 and getting married! :laugh:

    Add me if you want.
  • nixc0927
    nixc0927 Posts: 2
    I am new to this website as well. I am 49 and have finally decided that it is now or never to get this weight off. Motivation and support is what we need to keep us going. Feel free to add me if you want!:flowerforyou:
  • rofcarl
    rofcarl Posts: 11
    Desperately claiming whatever youthfulness I have left. Please add me.
  • CraftyEm
    CraftyEm Posts: 1
    In the same boat too, early 40's and struggling to loose weight, slipped a disk last year which seriously affects the exercise i can take and with 3 kids who are not interested in healthy food its all a bit of a nightmare. put on a stone in a year, which i am determined to shift by xmas.

    Hi, by the way, my first post :) feel free to add me
  • twintea
    twintea Posts: 23 Member
    feel free to add me - I am 43 and working on losing 80+ pounds !!! I am new to MFP only been here a week and so far haven't lost pounds but I have tracked every day and everything and I have gained soooo much inspiration and "no stoppin' me now" attitude - from reading other blogs.....I am in the same boat of many who are working towards their goals and wondering where did those pounds come from in the past 10 yrs....!!! Good luck on your journey !!!
  • darlynnwd
    darlynnwd Posts: 43
    Welcome to the club, Friend! :) My body just hasn't been the same after 40. Mom always said life started at 40, but what about being able to enjoy it?! Well, that's where this group comes in. So encouraging! So insightful!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Hi there! I turned 50 this year, and I totally understand your concerns. It does get more difficult to lose or maintain as you get older. MFP is a great motivator! Good luck!!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    We're out here! I am almost 42, and have been on here since Jan. Good luck on your journey to being fit and fabulous in your 40's!! Feel free to add me.
  • Joanneaa
    Joanneaa Posts: 4
    Feel free to add me =]
    41 years young!!
  • JoBFit
    JoBFit Posts: 81
    Hi I am 42 but feel 24 inside!! I sometimes get a shock when I look in the mirror and see my mother! LOL
    Feel free to add me.
    Good luck- this site really is fantastic!
  • Hi there

    I am 47 (and a half!) - and totally understand where you are coming from! The big M is in full swing for me and wow, it can really change your body if you are not in decent shape at the start! I was down to my 160 and then let it all fall apart and back to 195 ( well now 190!!) and with the big M, my shape has really changed - never had to worry about my middle but that is where all the weight is sitting now - my sister was in great shape and went through the whole menopause thing without gaining a pound and looks more amazing at 50 than she did at 20! That is what I want as I enter year 48 - to be one hot 40 year old and a hot grandma! Feel free to add me as a friend - good luck - you will love it here!
  • KMV1967
    KMV1967 Posts: 4
    I'm 44. Feel free to add me! I told my brother when he turned 40 that I felt all was down hill since then as far as health-wise. Aches and pains and now the big M is starting to mess with me also. What a raw deal but thankfully I am stubborn enough and I am ready to fight back. Lately I am reading everything I can about losing weight after 40. I will not age gracefully! :)

  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    You girls in your early 40's make me laugh. :laugh: You are still so young. Keep at your goals, and you will meet them.

    I have to tell you not to worry!! 50 ain't so bad. We may not be 20 anymore, but I think life is better now than ever. I hated my 20's, and the 30's weren't that much better!! Life in general was more difficult. Now things are good... established career, more expendable easier to manage because they are older... etc.

    Maintaining our weight and heath become more challenging as we age, but all the other stuff is so much better!!:wink:
  • Hi all! I too am in the "40's" and am not at all pleased with what I have allowed to happen over the last several years... MORE determined than ever to get control and lose the weight! :D My daughter is also using My Fitness Pal --- it is great to be able to encourage each other (and hold each other accountable!). LOVE this program!!! Need all the motivation - encouragement I can get! THIS is MY time.... and I will be successful!!!!
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I'm 43 and have similar goals. One GREAT thing I've found about being older and trying to get fit and healthy is that I'm much more patient with myself and with the process than when I was younger. One bad day doesn't throw me off track anymore - been there, done that! My metabolism may have slowed, but my motivation evened out from intense to slow, steady burn!

    This site is awesome and has helped me stay on track. I'm on everyday and log everything. Anyone who needs support or motivation on this thread, feel free to add me. :happy:
  • Marazene
    Marazene Posts: 97
    hello, Im 42, and so far my 40's have been treating me just as good as or better than my 30's!!!:tongue:
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    i'm not 40, YET. i'll be 40 in september
  • jkandjk
    jkandjk Posts: 4
    Add me in, I am turning 44 and feel exactly the same like you. It is not that easy to loose weight after 40:(
  • momtwog
    momtwog Posts: 2 Member
    I would love more ideas. I am 45 , 5'7" and 229. From 2008-2009.. I lost close to 40 pounds and was under 200 pounds. Had foot surgery and in the last 2 years put the weight back on. I am adimate now to get back down. I would loved to be added so that I can hold my self accountable to someone else and have encouragement at the same time.