First Stone / 14lbs??? How long?

Hi, as you ladies (and guys) know, when dieting there is always a massive feeling of impatience even though you it didnt take 'just a month' to put on this weight....however I am interested to know how long it took people to lose their 1st stone?

I lost 7lbs in my first week, then on my 2nd week I had gained 3lb!? I am going to the gym about 4 or 5 times a week so aware it 'could' be muscle but I am under the impression if you go from eating badly and no exercise to eating ariound 1200 cals a day and doing a good amount of exercise I would of thought I would be losing weight (lbs) a little quicker before I even start to build muscle......???

Please let me know what you think and how you are finding it, by the way this is about my 4th week : )


  • Thamantha
    Thamantha Posts: 102 Member
    I think a lot depends on your start weight.. someone who is 300lbs and eat 1200 calories will lose the weight faster than someone who is 150lbs who also eats 1200 calories.
    I am eating ~1200 calories, and should lose about 1 pound a week, so to lose a stone would take me 14 weeks.
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, mines 226 start weight and I am aiming for 2lb per week. Im 5ft 8.....
  • cmaciasamador
    cmaciasamador Posts: 2 Member
    What the heck is a stone?
  • anberlingasm
    anberlingasm Posts: 177
    My start weight was 204lb and I'm now 190lb so I hit my one stone this week. It's taken me since February (6 months) but I've only been 'seriously' dieting for the last month or so.
  • anberlingasm
    anberlingasm Posts: 177
    (A stone is 14lb, it's a UK measurement!)
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    What the heck is a stone?

    Haha sorry, its a term from the UK, 14lbs in a stone!
  • MissaUndead
    I weigh roughly I went from eating alot of junk and no exercise to 1200 calories and 20 to 30 mins of circuit training. Will I loose it fast? I have been going like this for 3 weeks..I don't have a scale..but inches are coming off and my clothes are getting baggy.
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    My start weight was 204lb and I'm now 190lb so I hit my one stone this week. It's taken me since February (6 months) but I've only been 'seriously' dieting for the last month or so.

    Well done : ) xx
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    My clothes are looser too, I just thought when you 1st start out you will see it on the scales abit more too. Maybe we should go by clothes and sod the scales!!
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    Dont stress about the scale so much go and buy a tape measure and go ny your measurements..thats motivated me more than the scales have!! And I've noticed things are gettng looser :) Goodluck on your journey
  • MissaUndead
    My clothes are looser too, I just thought when you 1st start out you will see it on the scales abit more too. Maybe we should go by clothes and sod the scales!!
    That is what I am doing! It sure is motivating me to see clothes getting loose!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Well during my first week of MFP I lost 5lbs, but then gained some and plateaued!! I began MFP at 175.4lbs!

    I joined on March 6th and today I weighed 160.2lbs! Thats a total loss of 15.2lbs, so It took me about 4 or 4 and a half months to lose a stone! Thats being very realistic! I have had brilliant weeks and lost 2lbs+ and then I have had my off weeks and gained!! I had a very rough patch food-wise during march, so my weight loss fully began in April!!
  • kate_newlifestyle
    How long?

    Nobody can answer you. It depends on your metaboliism, much you exercise/burn in calories and how many cals you eat and what you eat.

    Just keep up your exercises and healthy eating and the pounds will come down.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Around three months for me. And about four months to lose the rest.
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    I think I will start measuring and forget the weiging for the next 2 weeks and see how that goes xx
  • Boo67
    Boo67 Posts: 43 Member
    What the heck is a stone?
    A stone is 14 lb. 16oz to a lb - 14 lb to a stone.
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 5ft 1 and I think I was about 260lbs when I started this *properly* on 1st January. I lost my first 14lbs by 1st Feburary. Probably a combination of being so big to start with and I ate well and exercised EVERY single day for the whole month.

    My losses have slowed down since then..I'm averaging about 8lbs a month now but I don't exercise as much and I've had lots of 'naughty' weeks lately. Tut tut!!

    (I'm English too btw but I've used lbs cos I always find nobody knows what I'm going on about here when I say stones!! lol)
  • smudger_24
    smudger_24 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5ft 1 and I think I was about 260lbs when I started this *properly* on 1st January. I lost my first 14lbs by 1st Feburary. Probably a combination of being so big to start with and I ate well and exercised EVERY single day for the whole month.

    My losses have slowed down since then..I'm averaging about 8lbs a month now but I don't exercise as much and I've had lots of 'naughty' weeks lately. Tut tut!!

    (I'm English too btw but I've used lbs cos I always find nobody knows what I'm going on about here when I say stones!! lol)

    44lb is excellent - well done : )

    I hope my loss is as good in 5 months time x
  • mikihainesy
    I'm 5ft 4" and weigh 146lbs. I lost 12lb in 6 weeks but haven't budged for 3 weeks, other than my 1lb gain this week. grrr I only want to get another 2lb off so I can say I done the stone
  • kiwicakes
    kiwicakes Posts: 65 Member
    Great job so far! But at your weight, its pretty impossible to lose 7lbs of fat in one week! I know its exciting to see changes on the scale, but it's really important to have realistic exceptions :):) A good part of that weight loss is very likely to be water weight. So don't feel discouraged that you gained a little back this week. In general you are still losing a lot! Personally it took me two months to lose 10lbs, so, 14lbs will take about 3 months. :):)

    Just so you can lower your chances of gaining the weight back, losing 1-2lbs a week is a good rule of thumb.